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This thread is to share your core personal beliefs and reasoning for them. Hoping for a fruitful and edifying discussion and a chance to learn a bit more about each other.
Please, no attacking and mocking anyone's beliefs.
I will start with mine. In no specific order.
My Denomination:
I am a Protestant, enjoy teaching from Baptist churches, member of the assemblies of God church in South Africa.
My core beliefs:
1. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, nobody comes to the Father but by Him John 14:6
2. Saving faith to believe in Jesus being Lord is not something mustered up, it is a gift from God 1 Cor 12:3.
3. There are three ways to receive this saving faith from God. A Repentance of sin Psalm 51:17, B. Sincere servitude James 1:27 and or C. Martyrdom Rev 2:10.4
4. Scripture is the infallible word of God. Catholic bible too, the extra inclusions I believe are of God.
5. I respect all Christian denominations. Catholics too. I feel many attack with ignorance.
6. I do not believe you can be a member of the LGBTQIA++ community and expect to be in heaven one day with a God that hates sexual sin like this.
7. I believe there are mortal and venial sins and that anyone who teaches ''sin is sin, full stop'' are guilty of teaching a half truth. False teaching.
8. We are forever covered by the blood of Jesus from the moment we are born again. I am a firm believer in Once Saved Always Saved.
9. I believe the difference between someone in heaven and someone in hell is their love and or hatred of what is evil John 3:19, Rom 12:9. You will not repent, serve or die as a martyr for someone who hates what is evil when you love it.
10. Because of 9, I believe all in hell will be unrepentant sinners who love what is evil.
11. I believe hell is eternal separation and punishment. It will be as nice a place as possible from God's doing. It will be a terrible place because of who is there, and the necessary punishment sin requires from a righteous God. As such I do believe there will be many activities and even 'parties' in hell. But good luck inviting nice, caring, kind people to your parties. There are no such people in hell. All are unrepentant sinners.
12. I believe all mentally handicapped, babies who never grew up and children under the age of twenty who died, will come back and live on earth in the millennium. They will all live for a thousand years as Jesus and us saints will reign over them and ensure they receive very clean water and air. The devil will test them at the end of the thousand years Rev 20:7.
13. I believe all contentious scripture needs to be filtered through verses from prophets that defined God, prophets who knew Him much better than you or I. Namely, He is a good God Psalm 136:1, He is righteous in all His ways Psalm 145:17, He is light with no darkness in Him at all 1 John 1:5, He is just, and it is unthinkable that He is wicked or will pervert justice Job 34:12.
14. If anyone's message from scripture portrays God as evil, they need to better explain themselves to clarify how they are not, or else it is a given that they are indeed a false teacher.
Teaching that highly frustrates me:
1. 5-Point Calvinism. I have extreme dislike for their message. Cherry pick and manipulate scripture to represent God as a partial Being. Portraying Him as an evil God to the lost. One of the sickest perversions around. I believe all who teach this need to take swimming lessons, as God expects them to drown themselves in the deep ocean Matt 18:6..
2. Eternal torture. God does not and never has tortured anyone who is sold out to a love of what is evil. He has only come close to those 'almost' sold out. As we see with plagues. There is no way to defend God as a good God if you teach that he tortures His enemy in hell for all eternity. Christians that teach this to a great disservice to God and Christianity. As better explained here Discussion on Torture.
3. Catholicism is evil. As explained here So tired of all the ignorant bashing of Catholics with my grievances that I believe are the only real grievances any should have, here PROBLEMS WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
4. False teachers who say sin is sin. So many do simply not care about the importance of sticking to scripture on a topic. There are many who teach that it is fine to divorce your spouse for example as 'sin is sin', and we all sin. Abandoning your spouse and messing up your children's lives is simply only another 'sin'. Sin has degrees and if you don't think so, give me a call to come to your house. I will bring a big knife, then we can test how you feel about me thinking of cutting your head off verse actually doing it.
To be continued...................
Please, no attacking and mocking anyone's beliefs.
I will start with mine. In no specific order.
My Denomination:
I am a Protestant, enjoy teaching from Baptist churches, member of the assemblies of God church in South Africa.
My core beliefs:
1. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, nobody comes to the Father but by Him John 14:6
2. Saving faith to believe in Jesus being Lord is not something mustered up, it is a gift from God 1 Cor 12:3.
3. There are three ways to receive this saving faith from God. A Repentance of sin Psalm 51:17, B. Sincere servitude James 1:27 and or C. Martyrdom Rev 2:10.4
4. Scripture is the infallible word of God. Catholic bible too, the extra inclusions I believe are of God.
5. I respect all Christian denominations. Catholics too. I feel many attack with ignorance.
6. I do not believe you can be a member of the LGBTQIA++ community and expect to be in heaven one day with a God that hates sexual sin like this.
7. I believe there are mortal and venial sins and that anyone who teaches ''sin is sin, full stop'' are guilty of teaching a half truth. False teaching.
8. We are forever covered by the blood of Jesus from the moment we are born again. I am a firm believer in Once Saved Always Saved.
9. I believe the difference between someone in heaven and someone in hell is their love and or hatred of what is evil John 3:19, Rom 12:9. You will not repent, serve or die as a martyr for someone who hates what is evil when you love it.
10. Because of 9, I believe all in hell will be unrepentant sinners who love what is evil.
11. I believe hell is eternal separation and punishment. It will be as nice a place as possible from God's doing. It will be a terrible place because of who is there, and the necessary punishment sin requires from a righteous God. As such I do believe there will be many activities and even 'parties' in hell. But good luck inviting nice, caring, kind people to your parties. There are no such people in hell. All are unrepentant sinners.
12. I believe all mentally handicapped, babies who never grew up and children under the age of twenty who died, will come back and live on earth in the millennium. They will all live for a thousand years as Jesus and us saints will reign over them and ensure they receive very clean water and air. The devil will test them at the end of the thousand years Rev 20:7.
13. I believe all contentious scripture needs to be filtered through verses from prophets that defined God, prophets who knew Him much better than you or I. Namely, He is a good God Psalm 136:1, He is righteous in all His ways Psalm 145:17, He is light with no darkness in Him at all 1 John 1:5, He is just, and it is unthinkable that He is wicked or will pervert justice Job 34:12.
14. If anyone's message from scripture portrays God as evil, they need to better explain themselves to clarify how they are not, or else it is a given that they are indeed a false teacher.
Teaching that highly frustrates me:
1. 5-Point Calvinism. I have extreme dislike for their message. Cherry pick and manipulate scripture to represent God as a partial Being. Portraying Him as an evil God to the lost. One of the sickest perversions around. I believe all who teach this need to take swimming lessons, as God expects them to drown themselves in the deep ocean Matt 18:6..
2. Eternal torture. God does not and never has tortured anyone who is sold out to a love of what is evil. He has only come close to those 'almost' sold out. As we see with plagues. There is no way to defend God as a good God if you teach that he tortures His enemy in hell for all eternity. Christians that teach this to a great disservice to God and Christianity. As better explained here Discussion on Torture.
3. Catholicism is evil. As explained here So tired of all the ignorant bashing of Catholics with my grievances that I believe are the only real grievances any should have, here PROBLEMS WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
4. False teachers who say sin is sin. So many do simply not care about the importance of sticking to scripture on a topic. There are many who teach that it is fine to divorce your spouse for example as 'sin is sin', and we all sin. Abandoning your spouse and messing up your children's lives is simply only another 'sin'. Sin has degrees and if you don't think so, give me a call to come to your house. I will bring a big knife, then we can test how you feel about me thinking of cutting your head off verse actually doing it.
To be continued...................