Awwww Chad, thats so sweet LOL
Yes, there are some special people here
What I like most is the opportunity to share what God have taught me thru the years to help Chrisitians live a victorious life in Christ and mature in the Lord. Also for those coming here who dont know Jesus, to share the gospel with them that they may be saved.
What I like most , and I mean most of all is ... Satan always loses and flees ...even if he wont admit it ! I also love serving all of you , and trying to make talkjesus a place of fellowship for both young and old . :boy_hug: Mike
Chatting, making new freindships, sharing the Word of GOD and testimonies with you will notice all these involve people. Besides, Jesus being welcomed and exalted...the people make TJ special.
the fact that you can chat in a safe enviroment and not be harrased and also that you can tell people about yourself and stay compleltly anounomus also that you can make new freinds all over the world!
thank you all the moderaters!!
vlooi, welcome to talk Jesus, if you're new... but ok, sure thanks for replying God bless you and stay out of trouble so you wont be banned...and about the "dont ask" its weird cause i say that too. lol, well ok, laters, GOd bless you, bye
I love Talk Jesus....i like the layout of the site but most of all i like the poeple on the forum, and their great advice etc...and im already starting to form a couple of good friendships on this site and its only been a few days ive been on it!!
What do I love about TalkJesus? I love the fact that we can freely talk about Jesus here - He's my greatest love and I love to talk about Him (and to Him). I love the fact it's here all day every day and no matter what time of the day I'm here there are always some new posts. I love being able to meet Christians from all over the world, to hear how God is working around the world. And I just want to say "thank you Lord for TalkJesus."
hey Craig, that's great, You will find many good friends here I did and my life also improved since i came to talk Jesus, and trust me, the People are awesome, but God is even more GOd bless you bro, and welcome once again
Craig God bless you for sharing that. Thats one of the purpose is to create friendships with other strong believers in Christ. I'm happy for you brother.
I hope all of you will share the site with others even unbelievers and bring them towards Christ right here at Talk Jesus where they can be ministered and witnessed to.
I like TalkJesus because the Holy Spirit has final say in all things . Who stays and who leaves us is all by Gods Spirit . Servants always stay but self [ PROMOTIONAL] people leave . Praise God for his leading . Mike
I completely agree with you brother Mike. GOD has been doing one fine job weeding out the ones that are not for Him but against Him and for themselves.