Remember this is not “Sunday School”, once a week “bible class” or ask your pastor radio program. This is “Talk Jesus”. Com. Give “Holy Scripture” back up your answer or refer to scripture in context pertaining to the post. A hint “people always get it wrong.” The reason why, he did not condemn her.❤
I think He didn't condemned her only and purely for mercy. For surely she sinned and deserved that punishment as us aswell, because in some or many points we've broken the law. But as Jesus is the mercy of God Himself, He gave us grace, gave us mercy without any reason or righteous deed that we've committed. The only thing that we can think or speculate is that she probably was disposed to receive what righteously deserved. She had that attitude as the robber next to Jesus' cross. " And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong. "
Luke 23:41
He is mercy, that mercy that after receiving it we are so happy and so relieved that we don't think to go back to sin anymore ( it is possible if we become hard again ), that mercy that makes us grateful. She was actually so surprised by the fact that she was forgiven, she didn't expect it. Today many or even me can take His forgiveness for something granted. But isn't so. His forgiveness, grace should leave us with our mouths open wondering how is it possible for Him to have a mercy for such a sinner. And we mustn't have done necessarily a great sin so that we can see ourselves as great sinners or not deserving. We can feel such just by acknowledging and letting Him work in our lifes to show us our condition. I am not trying to condemn, I am just trying to portray how was she feeling and how each sinner should feel. And we the people who have walked with Him the same some times. Jesus is the mercy of God. The same mercy through which the world will be judged one day.
John 5:22,
Revelation 19:11 Because the Father will judge the world one day through Jesus. Everything was made through Him, for Him and by Him. So it is something so great. Think that she was faced with the condemnation, seeing the people with stones in their hands and nothing could have stopped them, but Jesus with His authority over the law, that we mustn't forget was accomplished through His sacrifice on the cross, He took the punishment deserved by us. And in this someone enters when he truly believes and acknowledges his condition. She had to face the condemnation and the law, so that she can see her condition. And that's what the law is for. To show us. That's why Jesus waited for a while and left them to accuse her. The law is in a way our tutor to bring us to Christ. Galatians 3:24 But the best of all is His grace that obviously works with the law, but triumphs over.