I did not’ say that women could not prophecy. And you must consider the meaning of the word minister to minister simply means to give aid ir to care for. IT does say that Phoebe served in the church it does not say that she preached or was a “pastor” .
Ac 21:8 And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him. Ac 21:9 And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.
Ro 16:1 I commend unto you Phoebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea: Ro 16:2 That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also.
As far as deacons go the bible is also very clear about what it takes to be a deacon or a bishop:
1ti 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 1ti 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 1ti 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 1ti 3:4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 1ti 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
1ti 3:11 Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. 1ti 3:12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. 1ti 3:13 For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. 1ti 3:14 These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly: 1ti 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. 1ti 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
As far as Phoebe being a preacher you would have to give me some scriptural background for that And I does not’ say whether Chloe was a male or female. But in col. ,4:15 it says that Nymphas
Was a man.
Ro 16:7 Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.
It does mention Pricilla but it does not say what exactly she did a lot of names in the bible may sound feminine to us but that does not’ necessarily mean that it is a female.
And finally you must also realize that the bible is the inspired word of God and that we cannot pick and chose which scriptures we will and which we will not obey.