Dear Brothers,
Let's calm down.....don't let our passions get the better of us!
@JerryfromMass I do believe in your post #7 the opening sentence was meant to be a question (y/n)? Following with the implication that if lust was not the case, then there must be something else that has us desirous of woman.
@Brad Huber - your post #8 directed to Brother JFM I do believe was misplaced. He in his post which was directed to Brother GregoryP was not implying that God had created "lust" in man, but was asking of an alternative to it in man.
What follows which I believe is from a clear misunderstanding is something that is seen all to often here on TJ between brethren. Instead of a thoughtful discussion, the passions arise and words follow that should not be said. All, from an initial misunderstanding. Normally, following it up with a question/inquiry, and not an accusatory one, that doesn't help in getting a response that would clarify the issue. If not for this of course, the other person might also be able to temper their own passions, and not feeling "put upon" for being misunderstood, respond in a way that would uplift/instruct!
What helps is always remembering who we are in Christ, and that there is "flesh" that we ourselves and all others must contend with. The victory in Christ has been won, but the battles continue. Let's pray that we are able to minimize the passions that arise in our dealings with each other, and not let them get the best of something that "we all", "we all" must deal with, if not now, from time to time in different venues in the life we lead in Christ Jesus.
Passion, which when translated to lust has always been dangerous and manifests itself when left uncontrolled. This is recognized by many that even Self-flagellation is used in attempt to control them! This simple devotional, or maybe not so simple considering some of the threads that have been created here lately (some closed/some still open). In these ever darkening days, I believe it is as Scripture has said reflective of the ever darkening days we live in and should cause us to wrap ourselves even more closely in prayer and the Word of God. So, that it leaves no room for the Adversary to pit us against each other as if each other were the enemy and not him and the uncontrolled passions we have in our own lives that if unchecked can be destructive leading to even more sinful behavior as they did in the life of David.
Sign of the times in which we live: "
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to [those who are] wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!" Isaiah 5:20-21
You both my brothers have a sincere desire (positive) to know the Word of God, and to share what the Spirit moves upon you to share for the Glory of God, in helping others to comprehend that which is not able to those who do not know our Lord & Savior Jesus. Let us not help the enemy in his attempt in burying us who are in Christ (each other). He has enough attendants to help with that task!
@PloughBoy - we are all valuable in eyes of God my brother, and so the precious Blood of the Lamb would not have been shed to even save one odorous free will soul like ours, if we would just remember "
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28 So, that what befalls one us, will affect us all. Let us uplift each other to the Glory of God, for we should be precious one to another! Love you brother!

With the Love of Christ Jesus
All brethren reading this devotional: I was giving this a little thought and believe that it might be instructive/helpful to move/copy this thread and place it in the Men's Forum, that if any so choose that the subject can continue to be fleshed out for a greater understanding, and hopefully a benefit to any who may come across it in the future. Of course I'll delete all the responses in the thread that is located in the Devotional Forum and allow for a redirect for all interested.
Thoughts on copying the thread and moving it, before the discussion continues???