WaitingForJesus: (2) fails to provide for persons to be left on earth in a flesh and blood bodies to repopulate Christ’s Millennial Kingdom;
May I see scripture that backs this claim that there will be "flesh and blood bodies repopulating Christ's Millennial Kingdom" please?
WaitingForJesus: (3) rejects Christ’s unequivocal promise to keep born-again believers from “the hour of testing, which is to come upon the whole earth” (the Tribulation period);
God can protect people from ANYTHING without having to completely remove them from the earth to do so. Examples? Noah, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Moses and the children of Israel just to name a few.
WaitingForJesus: (4) fails to har*mo*nize with Paul’s teaching that born-again Christians are not destined for wrath (the Tribulation period);
Scripture CLEARLY teaches a difference between "Wrath" and "Tribulation". Tribulation is a trying period, wrath is punishment. IF God kept people from tribulation as you are suggesting with your above statement then the persecution of the Christian in Paul's day would definitely fall into that category. Paul was living in days of contradiction to his own statement if that were the way that it should be interpreted. The contradiction lies with the interpreter of the scripture, not with the scripture itself. Paul also taught that Christians would suffer persecution, NOT be protected from it.
WaitingForChrist: (5) rejects Christ’s straightforward teaching on the unan*nounced, unexpected, any-moment nature of the Rapture;
Are you referring to the "thief in the night" statements?
II Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Some try to place a long period of time on the semicolon in this verse, but they do so errantly. "In the which" is denoting that the description that follows will happen on the day of the Lord. People that want to believe in a Pretrib Rapture have twisted and added to the scriptures to make what they want to see fit in with scripture. You can't force one meaning on a word in scripture that has more than one meaning, taking away the other possible definitions to suit your own means. You can't add or presume that a period of time, or an event, WILL take place inside the space of one semicolon; that should be an OBVIOUSLY foolish thing to do, and yet people do it.
So, you ask the question then: How could Jesus' Second Coming come as a surprise to anyone with the Antichrist and the seven years, etc ... giving so much of a sign of the times?
I Thessalonians 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
There is no contradiction in scripture for those that do not believe in a Pretribulation Rapture. When Jesus comes there will be plenty of people caught off guard, but the above verse says that true Christians will not be caught off guard.
I only see the Second Coming in scripture. No pre, mid, or post tribulation rapture. The wrath of God will be poured out in one day, THAT day.