Some of God's attributes Are His omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence.
His omniscience = all knowledge of everything. But He is not lacking in emotions. He would that All would come to a saving knowledge of salvation, but Also knows that lots of people Won't.
You've shared your views about Calvinism -- Because of His omniscience He Does know who will and who won't. But He Still gives us order to go to all people all over the world and share the Gospel of salvation with all who will listen. Lots of people Will and lots Won't.
You commented about God's grieving over the conditions of the world / how man turned out. So -- He allowed a world-wide flood to take place and the only people who were in the ark were the only righteous people still in the world.
Was it an oops on God's part? Well -- much later in God's Word to all of us -- in Romans -- that all of us have sinned and the wage of sin is death but that Because of God's love for mankind -- He provided salvation. Back Then God provided the ark through Noah. It took a Long time to build. No doubt the people back Then were asking all kinds of questions -- What are you doing? Why are you doing it? Are you serious? Are you kidding me? As it turned out, Noah and his family were the only people who believed God and followed His orders for building that ark. And then God decided to start over with Noah and his family. They were kind of a second Adam and Eve. And God Also has given us the rainbow -- a reminder to Him and us that He would never destroy the entire earth like that again.
BTW -- no one says that Anyone has to accept Mr. Calvin's ideas. It's Also true that all the Scriptures he used were in God's Word. The rebuttal To Mr. Calvin was Mr. Armenius. But his concepts had problems, too.
so -- it's kind of like 'this' -- if it were up to 'us' -- then the horrible person who does horrible things to people with no seaming regret Should end up in hell -- no questions asked. But -- say that while in prison -- maybe even waiting for his death sentence to be fulfilled -- the prison chaplain talks to him One More Time. One Last time. And This time -- the Holy Spirit Does work in his heart -- He Does accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. He Will still die for his past sins, but he will Also be in heaven. Almost doesn't seem fair. His bad works didn't send him to hell for ever.
So -- now we Also have the wonderful person who's spend his entire life doing all kinds of Wonderful things. Feeding the poor -- you name it and he's been doing it. Goes to church all the time -- And -- if it were up to Us -- he'd be in heaven. BUT -- he hasn't accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. And he ends in hell. Now That really doesn't seem fair. Of All the people who Should be in heaven he Won't be.
Why? because good works won't secure a place in heaven for anyone. That's what Ephesians 2 tells us. NOT of works.
That's why God is the Only One who knows who will be and who won't be. 'We' would have the wrong people ending up in the wrong place.
Now Maybe people have been telling the one guy that all those good things he's been doing Won't get him to heaven but he refuses to listen.
And, maybe, no one Has told him that he's Still a sinner in spite of all those good deeds and that he Does need to accept Christ.
We don't know his heart -- only God really does.
but 'we' Also have the verse that says "by their fruits we will know them" -- so --is their life Showing those fruits or not.
And, has anyone taken time To ask him / her About their personal salvation?
Part of our life Is our freedom of choice. God Does allow people to make poor choices. That's the result of Adam and Eve and eating from that fruit of the knowledge of both good and Evil. So -- sounds like you're blaming God for your poor choices?! Couldn't you have said "no" at some point? Your problem has been drugs and alcohol and women. Well -- a person at some point -- takes that 1st drink or the first time using that drug. Was it being Forced on you? Now Some drugs are so powerful that the 1st time Can be addictive / deadly.
so -- those compulsions have been taken from you. You received your help from God? He took the compulsions from you?!
Your bio info says your from Texas. I"d sent you a 'conversation' thing asking what part of Texas you're from. I'm in south- central. This is a huge state.
As for the blasephemy of the Holy Spirit -- the Holy Spirit is part of the trinity / God head.
I'm pretty sure that blasphemy is taking something that God / Jesus has done and giving the credit to satan.
I would agree with your two examples. Well -- to condone murder and say it's God's Will . You used abortion as an example. There Are those who believe that a baby conceived during a rape or act of incest Can be aborted if the female can't handle the idea of being pregnant as a result. It Would be wrong to okay abortion simply because it's a inconvenience to the female or if her life-style is such that she gets pregnant frequently and chooses to kill the baby that's conceived - - that 's murder.
But -- knowing that God gives life -- and attributing that life to satan instead. Well -- satanists do that I guess.
but it certainly is Far better to be in God's Word and not mess around with unGodliness.
His omniscience = all knowledge of everything. But He is not lacking in emotions. He would that All would come to a saving knowledge of salvation, but Also knows that lots of people Won't.
You've shared your views about Calvinism -- Because of His omniscience He Does know who will and who won't. But He Still gives us order to go to all people all over the world and share the Gospel of salvation with all who will listen. Lots of people Will and lots Won't.
You commented about God's grieving over the conditions of the world / how man turned out. So -- He allowed a world-wide flood to take place and the only people who were in the ark were the only righteous people still in the world.
Was it an oops on God's part? Well -- much later in God's Word to all of us -- in Romans -- that all of us have sinned and the wage of sin is death but that Because of God's love for mankind -- He provided salvation. Back Then God provided the ark through Noah. It took a Long time to build. No doubt the people back Then were asking all kinds of questions -- What are you doing? Why are you doing it? Are you serious? Are you kidding me? As it turned out, Noah and his family were the only people who believed God and followed His orders for building that ark. And then God decided to start over with Noah and his family. They were kind of a second Adam and Eve. And God Also has given us the rainbow -- a reminder to Him and us that He would never destroy the entire earth like that again.
BTW -- no one says that Anyone has to accept Mr. Calvin's ideas. It's Also true that all the Scriptures he used were in God's Word. The rebuttal To Mr. Calvin was Mr. Armenius. But his concepts had problems, too.
so -- it's kind of like 'this' -- if it were up to 'us' -- then the horrible person who does horrible things to people with no seaming regret Should end up in hell -- no questions asked. But -- say that while in prison -- maybe even waiting for his death sentence to be fulfilled -- the prison chaplain talks to him One More Time. One Last time. And This time -- the Holy Spirit Does work in his heart -- He Does accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. He Will still die for his past sins, but he will Also be in heaven. Almost doesn't seem fair. His bad works didn't send him to hell for ever.
So -- now we Also have the wonderful person who's spend his entire life doing all kinds of Wonderful things. Feeding the poor -- you name it and he's been doing it. Goes to church all the time -- And -- if it were up to Us -- he'd be in heaven. BUT -- he hasn't accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. And he ends in hell. Now That really doesn't seem fair. Of All the people who Should be in heaven he Won't be.
Why? because good works won't secure a place in heaven for anyone. That's what Ephesians 2 tells us. NOT of works.
That's why God is the Only One who knows who will be and who won't be. 'We' would have the wrong people ending up in the wrong place.
Now Maybe people have been telling the one guy that all those good things he's been doing Won't get him to heaven but he refuses to listen.
And, maybe, no one Has told him that he's Still a sinner in spite of all those good deeds and that he Does need to accept Christ.
We don't know his heart -- only God really does.
but 'we' Also have the verse that says "by their fruits we will know them" -- so --is their life Showing those fruits or not.
And, has anyone taken time To ask him / her About their personal salvation?
Part of our life Is our freedom of choice. God Does allow people to make poor choices. That's the result of Adam and Eve and eating from that fruit of the knowledge of both good and Evil. So -- sounds like you're blaming God for your poor choices?! Couldn't you have said "no" at some point? Your problem has been drugs and alcohol and women. Well -- a person at some point -- takes that 1st drink or the first time using that drug. Was it being Forced on you? Now Some drugs are so powerful that the 1st time Can be addictive / deadly.
so -- those compulsions have been taken from you. You received your help from God? He took the compulsions from you?!
Your bio info says your from Texas. I"d sent you a 'conversation' thing asking what part of Texas you're from. I'm in south- central. This is a huge state.
As for the blasephemy of the Holy Spirit -- the Holy Spirit is part of the trinity / God head.
I'm pretty sure that blasphemy is taking something that God / Jesus has done and giving the credit to satan.
I would agree with your two examples. Well -- to condone murder and say it's God's Will . You used abortion as an example. There Are those who believe that a baby conceived during a rape or act of incest Can be aborted if the female can't handle the idea of being pregnant as a result. It Would be wrong to okay abortion simply because it's a inconvenience to the female or if her life-style is such that she gets pregnant frequently and chooses to kill the baby that's conceived - - that 's murder.
But -- knowing that God gives life -- and attributing that life to satan instead. Well -- satanists do that I guess.
but it certainly is Far better to be in God's Word and not mess around with unGodliness.