I think in all fairness that Member Garee
@Garee uses different colors for 'grouping' words that 'fit' together, and what Garee writes corresponds to the grouping as seen in Scripture. Sort of like keywords. It is more a courtesy and kindness to help the reader understand without 'telling' them everything.
(I could be wrong on that.)
I use the 'dark' mode as it is easier for me to see white on black background but it is also difficult to see some colors, at some times.
I find that if i really want to see something, i can 'select' it which then renders it all one color. Once read, unselect. Quite quick and easy with a mouse on a computer and monitor.
I have a really hard time with the white background and a lot of faint colors and text.
Let us pray for one another, with our myriad of problems. The Lord might perchance even help us to love one another more and by so doing we could interact and fellowship in a much more uplifting and encouraging way... God's way
Bless you ....><>
ps.. i remember some years ago explaining to a newly converted Greek person about how to read even small passages of the Bible. I told them to read every word, slowly, taking enough time for every word to register, as each word was/is important (even if it is in English via a KJV!!! --
for all you anti-translations buffs)
If we chew slowly and not race through and miss the words, the Lord has time to minister much to us, as we read.
Try it, read what is known as the Lord's Prayer, ever so slowly, one word at a time, chewing over each word..... start with "Our" and get to the point that you register that 'our' does not mean 'my'... so what does "Our" mean? ..... immediately you begin on the right track to understand the rest.