I would offer.
Heel is the term used to represent suffering unto death .Not dead never to rise. By His wounds or bruises we are healed.
It is used as a propmised three days and nights demonstrations of the Lamb who was slain from the foundation ( again demonstrations) Genesis 3:15 and Isaiah 53
The Holy Father "Let there be Creator" in pursuit of a bride. . sufferings bruising the heel of the Son man Jesus crushing the head of the serpent.
The promise of two working as if one.
It began in the garden of Gethsemane when the Father first poured out his wrath .The other apostles with, fell asleep, Jesus awoke them and asked for help in prayer . Three times the Father put them asleep to fulfill the prophecy of two working as one the of bruising of the heel. ( Genesis 3:15 and Isaiah 53)
Then moved on to phase two the hill of skull the bloody demonstration to the all the nations of the world, then them Tomb. Three demonstrations. Three in parables denotes the end of the matter
In Metaphysics Heel is the root chakra. It's one of three chakras of the lower self. It is hell. Each Chakra is an energy center that governs a part of the human body.
If one doesn't raise the Kundalini (the Christ Oil), then one remains in Hell, as opposed to going to the crown Chakra or heaven. No man comes to the father but by me. The father being God in heaven. Heaven is in your head where the temple is. Jesus is the Christ Oil.
Each month the moon, moves into a position of the zodiac which you are born. Your pineal gland releases a fluid. The fluid is the Christ Oil. It travels down your spine. Jesus lived and ministered for 33 years. You have 33 vertebrae in your spine. Jesus is killed on the cross. He is buried in a cave for three days. The Christ Oil which travels down in your spine rests in the Sacrum Chakra for three days.
During that three days you have one of three options: 1) You can use the Christ Oil and regenerate 2) You can use the Christ Oil and generate or 3) The worse option you can waste it.
I'm going to simplify this for brevity, but preparation is required. The meditation isn't to be taken lightly. If you regenerate, you meditate. During meditation, the Christ Oil goes back up the spine. Jesus resurrects. The Christ Oil returns back to the pineal gland. Once there, the fluid transmutes into a gas which then regenerates your brain and body. Your brain is now at 100% instead of 10%. Your body is renewed. You are reborn. When you accept Christ as your personal savior then you are reborn. This is what the Catholic Church teaches you to take literally when really, it's an allegory. They encoded the bible. The encoding is the allegory. They wrote the Bible barrowing from Druidism.
You are taught to read it literally so that you never acquire your higher self-consciousness keeping you in the lower self-conscious where eventually you die, and your soul recycles. The Catholic Church isn't going to teach you the meditation, but rather talk about it in an allegory, and again where you take it literally that a man was born from a virgin, lived 33 years, ministered, died on a cross, went to hell, defeated death, resurrected and then ascended.
If you generate then you are procreating. The procreation fluids of the male and female is life. You are taking life from you and your spouse is taking life from him or her, putting it together, so that a new soul enters life from the both of you. Each time procreation fluids are excreted then your lifespan is shortened. Once you are out, that's it, you die. What this mean is, each time you excrete procreation fluids, the Christ Oil is exhausted. You had the opportunity to regenerate but didn't. Regeneration renews, you are reborn. Your lifespan increases. This makes procreation unique and special. It creates value. Pleasure is no longer the motivation for procreation, but rather byproduct of procreation. The motivation for procreation is new life. Realizing this creates a new mindset about when to procreate and why you and your spouse decide to do so.
You can waste your Christ Oil. You can spoil it by remaining in the lower self, by eating acidic foods, drinking alcohol, abusing your procreation fluids, using tobacco, marijuana, other drugs, no meditation and no balanced Chakras.
Revisiting sin...
Using fornication as an example. Fornication isn't really sin, but fornicating keeps you in the lower self, the lower three Chakras. If you stay in the lower self never meditating to the higher self, then you remain in hell. You die. Your soul recycles. On the other hand, if you balance between the lower self and the higher self managing your behavior, you can live as long as you desire on earth. At the center is the zero point of inertia where at this frequency you don't age and you don't ascend.
Sin is the sinewave. Your life is sinewave cycle. Think of a guitar string. You strum one string. It makes a sound. The sound is sinewave. When you are born, the wave is strong. The Catholic Church teaches you, you are born into sin. That's allegory for the sinewave. When you die the wave has faded. The strum on the string has faded. Everything is cycle. In the flesh or light manifested into matter the cycle comes to end.
Energy cannot be destroyed. That's your soul. Your body or matter reconverts back into energy or light upon death. Your soul recycles. Again, this is the sinewave. The cycle never ends due to the toroidal field's electromagnetism. The Vatican knows all this. They got it from the Druids. They just don't teach it to you explicitly. They encode it the Bible they wrote in allegories. The truth is hidden in plain sight.