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- Oct 26, 2007
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Dear Brother,Obviously this forum has been doing nicely for quite some time long before I got here. . I appreciate the openness. That said I wonder if it might pay to ask of new members that they do not subvert the core doctrines of the faith. This can be done without requiring any sort of confession of faith. OR maybe a section dedicated to discussion of the unorthodox.
I've thought, prayed about what you have said here and even opened it as a discussion amongst the staff.
I've also looked at Talk Jesus and what it's meant over the years to different people. For me it has always been a place where believers, and those who are just seeking to know about Jesus could come, or get away from the turmoil/darkness that is found online in abundance. A place I like to call an Oasis. Lately its become a place for misfits!
However, there have always been folks that have come with baggage that one could associate with cults. Normally they are easy to spot, because the purpose for them signing up here is to Evangelize others. Hoping to get a few innocents/unknowledgeable ones with some slick theological mumbo jumbo that sounds good on the surface, but once a little digging is done and it's set against the Word of God, the corruption springs forth for all to see. They have in the past battled tooth and nail to stay here, justifying whatever they are promoting even in the light of God's Word, but eventually are shown the door. Not in anger, or hate, but in prayer, and more of a disappointment that they refused the Word of God and the truth found therein which was unsatisfying to them. Preferring devil's/man's/their own truth over God's. I'm sure many have left believing the same about us, but sending them off in prayer that they might be called away from the deception they were peddling, to the only truth that can be found through Christ Jesus. This is normally the way it ends for them here at Talk Jesus.
Since you have mentioned it in your heading of this thread. I would first ask you what you mean by "cult"? Not to get too deep into this subject area, I ask this because I've come to find out that there is no one written in stone definition. Each orthodoxy sees it based off certain foundational beliefs. However, even here there are breaks to be found between many of the conservative or liberal believers. A lot is driven by which side of the aisle you happen to be sitting in! So, for Talk Jesus truth be told. Much is defined off the Statement of Faith (SOF) of the site, and the reason I direct many new members to it, so that they will have the opportunity to understand where the site is coming from, against where they feel the truth is and to provide them the opportunity to accept it's precepts, or not. Meaning, all are welcome, but not everything is accepted or will be tolerated. I get a lot of grief when I mention this, because of the belief that they have the right to sprout off any belief to their hearts content, without be called to account even if it disagrees with the SOF. This happens more often than you realize!
Anyway, a couple of us have looked at creating a separate forum for discussion of how did you put it..."the unorthodox"?
We have so far agreed that this would be more trouble than it's worth. Plus you have to admit, when have Children ever listened to directions that told them not to do this, that, or they'd be punished?
You are correct. I don't think a lot of adults and their ability to follow directions! I know! I supposedly am one!
Maybe, in some future upgrade our Brother in Christ/Administrator Chad will take it under consideration again, but as it stands now, I'd have to say no is the answer to an "Unorthodox Forum for Obliqueness" or "UFO".
I will say that your thoughts are appreciated. It's not something that we haven't thought of ourselves, but as I said "It would be more trouble than its worth at this time." Who knows? Maybe, things will change and it may yet find a place here on Talk Jesus.
Again appreciate your suggestion.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.