I dunno about anyone else here but when I'm in a relationship with someone I like them to know most EVERYTHING about me even if they were there with me. We can kick back & reminisce about what we did, how I felt, how they seen things & what I seen & so on. I think a lot of the times us Christians get so caught up in the study of Christianity rather than the basic walk we fumble. We're NEVER EVER EVER going to figure Jesus out NEVER. ANYONE that thinks they will are lying to themselves. WHO CARES about the fine details of a single word? It's small things that divide people to take their eye off the ball. It the end it will not even matter. We tend to analyze the tiniest things & for what really? To be the smartest, the best, the top dog? First WILL be last & last WILL be first isn't that what God himself said? That being the case we should ALL be like little kids in our walk with the Lord.
Who wouldn't want to let God in on everything they do???? We're all so quick to pick up the phone & enlighten a girlfriend or guyfriend, husband or wife know what our bowling average is, how many RBI's we got in the game they missed, how delicious a meal was at a friends house or when we closed on our first house so why NOT kick back & talk to God like a best friend , husband or wife??? I feel terrible when I mess up in all honesty. My head hangs low & I just feel down & almost grey. Like wow, I messed up & I feel bad about it. SO WHAT if God already knows, I want him to hear it from ME because I want a personal deep loving relationship with my dad. It doesn't matter to me if he watched me hit 75 out of the ball park home runs I want to tell him about it. Like "DID YOU SEE THAT GOD!?! WASN'T THAT AWESOME!?!!" Same goes with when I screw up...and "Oh dad I am SOOOOO SORRY I did what you have told me not to do". I want him to KNOW that I feel bad even if he already knows & has paid for my wrong doings. That makes it personal to me. I want to confess more than just the good things to him I want to confess the bad too so he knows I'm trying. That's why I refer to him as "my dad" so I have a more personal relationship. I don't see him as my Boss that comes around to my work station to remind me of what I didn't do right. Or the police officer that pulls me over for speeding & lectures me. I see God as my dad who backs me up when I'm being bullied at school, and the dad that cleans the dirt out of my skinned knee & kisses it & makes it all better, the dad that sees my black eye after a fist fight & asks what happened. The dad that wraps his arm around me when I'm crying saying it's going to be alright.
I've never had a dad & I have NO IDEA who owns the other half of my DNA. My mom has some idea but I don't even bother to ask anymore because that will not change who I am. But as far as knowing what it feels like to have a dad I have no clue so I just know that me & God are father & daughter.
I'm a "baby Christian" & I don't care to gain knowledge of the fine details as long as I have the definite summarized version. I see & read so many people dissecting the utmost minuscule parts of the Bible & for what? Satan is slick!! He does whatever he can to divide Gods kids because that takes the focus of God's LOVE. So, As long as we're quarreling about if God went to hell after he died on the cross to separation of religions that's all satan wants... division so he can move on in & do his dirt... It's pure madness if you really think about it. I loathe the word "religion" like no other. My faith in God is NOT a religion & NEVER will be. God & I have a personal relationship. Anything less isn't even worth having. If God came down & became a man because he cared about me enough to be betrayed & sold out by his close friend, get beat, kicked, have snot spit on him, stabbed, screamed at, made fun of, have railroad tie like spikes pounded into his hands & feet stretched out on a cross in front of everyone for MY asinine behavior the VERY LEAST I can do is let him know that I AM SORRY for acting a fool AFTER he paid for my sins. I want to let him KNOW that his death is not being taken for granted by me!!! I want him to KNOW that what he's done for me does NOT go unnoticed or is expected. SO even if his dying on the cross is a one & done thing for my sins, past present & future I WILL show my gratitude & faithfulness by telling him things he is already aware of just so I KNOW that he's heard it straight from the horses mouth.
Sorry for my long winded post... I get a tad bit passionate when I talk about my dad :glasses:
ONE God, ONE love, ONE way