We should always pray for all the people in the world, because they are children of God whether they wish to believe it or not. The created children of God. So many Christians Miss the opportunity to pray for their fellow brothers and sisters, the ones that do not even know that they are the children of God.
And those created children of God will be given every opportunity to become children of God during their lifetime, even the most wretched. Whether the person is brought into a life of sin from their beginning, or those who accepted sin in their lifetime making choices to become gay or some other nonsense.
We Christians must pray for all of mankind to come to the Father, and not worry about little strife little non essential things such as whether or not we should worship God on Saturday or Sunday, we should not waste our time on silly little things.
Even for myself, I don't waste the opportunity to bring someone to Jesus, the whole focus is bringing them to Christ in the first place. Now whether that person chooses to become one denomination or another is beyond my thinking all I'm caring about is that they become Christian.
Amen, God has put it on my heart recently to pray for His children, all over the world, that have has received Him. Hard times are coming against us in the very near future.
If they have done it to Him, they will do it to you(us professing believers).
In many countries the persecution, afflictions and even beheadings has been happening, and it will happen in America as well, very soon. Some things have already started showing it's face in America, these are the beginning of sorrows.
Many will fall away from the faith because of what's coming.
I pray you all are rooted and grounded in Christ with boldness, power, and authority.
I have the utmost peace and joy within, but I hate this world, because of scoffers and unbelievers, I want to go home and be with my Lord where he is.
Christ didn't not come to condemn the world, but that the world through Him (might) be saved. He gives the same salvation gift to all that confess His name. Yes, just confess His name, He brings those also, for He cannot deny Himself. Perhaps they are the ones in the outer counters of the temple that doesn't get to enter in, it is given to the Gentiles; confessing His name but continues to walk ungodly, in the flesh, born of water only, no spiritual manifestation. Perhaps.
If one cannot believe in miracles; how can they believe in those in the Bible?
God has not changed; He is the same today, as He was yesterday, 1000's of yrs ago, and forever.
Bless God