@KingJ -- how about 'this' Romans -- for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And the wages of sin is death,
Our righteousnesses are like filthy rags to God. Ephesians 2 :8-9 "not of works lest any man should boast".
A person can 'land' on a few Scriptures that say what "he" wants to hear, and ignore the rest of Scripture. That's what you tend to do.
How about the passage that says that our hearts are easily deceived and desperately wicked. That does not mean that everyone is gong to be an axe murderer. But we All have the leanings towards sin. Because 'for All have sinned'.
And, of Course you actually type what you mean to say. No one puts words in your mouth. If you really believe what you're saying -- then you are living in a spiritual 'bubble' of your own making.
Everyone Deserves hell / the future lake of fire and brimstone -- no one Deserves eternity with God / heaven. But God shows His love towards us --in that -- while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. We didn't have to do anything to deserve the cross of Christ. We're not told to 'clean up our act' in order to benefit from the blood of Christ. We're Far more inclined to Be 'dirty rotten sinners' Than to be 'good people' in God's eyes.
God destroyed Sodom and Gohmorrah. -- Genesis 19 follows chapter 18. // 19vs 24 -- the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah and vs 29.