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Hell's Population Clock

The "soul" of man which houses man,s conscience, personality, and power of choice. The human brain's purpose is to communicate through man's physical senses to the soul of man information about the physical world. Man's spirit communicates to man,s soul the things of the spiritual realm, and from these both man then makes his choice whom to follow. The flesh or the spirit. There is still a remembrance in the soul of man that can be recollected about his past.
Those who are in hell, and those who will be cast into the Lake of fire will be "tormented" not by God, but from there own wrong choices they made that they knew they should not have done.

Rev 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Notice: it is NOT God's torment, but their own torment. Anytime a person does not do what they knew they should have done, and when they think about it it torments them. Thank God we can confess our sins, and God will forgive us, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. There is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.
I was saying that in hell / lake of fire and brimstone -- Satan might be laughing at a person because they chose to believe satan's lies Rather than God's Truth. God won't be there To torment but satan will be.

The person in hell -- maybe part of their torment / anguish will be their being able to remember all of those things that they Had heard and refused to believe.

NOW -- here on earth -- is the time to Listen to God's Word -- Obey His Word. Accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior NOW.
So -- how much longer is your POP CLOCK UPDATE going to keep on popping. Until the entire state of Texas is populated?

Greetings @Sue D.

I would like to encourage @Adziilii to continue posting the population clock.
With the prayer that these figures will burn in our hearts causing indistinguishable compassion for the lost.
Gen 6:5 . . God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

The thoughts of the heart are somewhat different than the thoughts that go through the mind; and are often blocked out, viz: "repressed"; defined as a mental process by which distressing thoughts, memories, or impulses that may give rise to anxiety are excluded from consciousness and left to operate in the unconscious, i.e. the subconscious which, in Freud's opinion, is a repository for socially unacceptable ideas, wishes or desires, traumatic memories, and painful emotions.

Matt 15:19 . . Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts

So then, it's not how your mind works that defines you, no, it's how your heart works that really defines you; and a man's heart is easily capable of hoodwinking his own consciousness.

Jer 17:9 . .The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?

God is able to peer into the heart's contents. That means He will be confronting people with things about themselves that they suppressed and kept under wraps all their lives; and that's why I sometimes say only a fool would take their chances with God. They have no clue the extent of the psychological tsunami they're walking into.
There was a time when everyone went to the netherworld when they passed away: Jesus too because when he passed away on the cross; Jesus didn't go up, rather, he went down. (Matt 12:40, John 20:17, Acts 7:25-31).

When we take into consideration everybody who ever lived and died on this planet beginning with Adam until the day when people started going to heaven; then we're talking about a very large number of people. How did they all fit in the netherworld without overcrowding?

Well; it's evident that people exist in the afterlife as spirits. (Heb 12:22-23, 1Pet 3:18-20).

The feral man of Mark 5:1-13 and Luke 8:26-33 was possessed by a community of evil spirits who labeled themselves Legion. Webster's defines a legion as the principal unit of the Roman army comprising 3,000 to 6,000 foot soldiers with cavalry.

The legion of spirits that Christ exorcised from the man went out and possessed a herd of about 2,000 swine. That's a pretty good example of how spirits take up no room in the physical world; nor do they crowd each other. All 3,000-6,000 of those spirits managed to fit inside the bodily cargo area of just that one man.

That being the case, then the netherworld need not be a void. People can exist down there in solid rock because spirits don't need space, they just need a place.

NOTE: Any attempt to drill down to the heart of the Earth in search of the netherworld would be futile because it isn't a physical world, rather, it's a spirit world. Drilling could, and would, pass right through the very center of the netherworld and still not find it.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 16 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures in post #1 are in the ball park, then something like 936,448 new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Aug 11, 2018.
OBJECTION: Classical Christianity's hell doesn't make sense that a loving God would torment people in a fiery prison forever and ever.

RESPONSE: The human common sense is produced by a 3-pound lump of flabby organic tissue; and not even all three of those pounds are devoted to cognitive processes. On top of that, those three pounds are 60% fat. That fatty, flabby, organic tissue can alter one's personality with little more than an aneurism or a blow to the head.

Just how sensible can a fatty, flabby, organic sense really be compared to the sense of a supernatural being with enough intelligence to invent, design, and construct a fully functioning cosmos with all of its forms of life, matter, and energy? A fatty, flabby, organic sense isn't even a dunce in comparison: it's a sub dunce; if even that.

1Cor 3:20 . .The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are empty.

Well; that's certainly not a very flattering evaluation. It's as much as saying that, in God's opinion, the smartest among humanity basically consists of air heads; and if that's His evaluation of the best and brightest, then where does God rank those of us with an average IQ?
The human body is fragile; so much so that even something as thin as the air can snuff it out.

Isa 40:6-7 . . All flesh is grass, and all its grace is like the blossom of the field. The grass shall dry out, the blossom shall wilt, for a wind from the Lord has blown upon it; behold the people is grass.

According to a report released on March 25, 2014 by the World Health Organization; air pollution kills, on average, seven million people per annum; and is linked to one in eight deaths (12.5%) world-wide. Think of it. That percentage represents approximately 936.9 million deaths linked to air pollution per annum out of a currently estimated 7.49+ billion people.

According to a report by the public health agency of the United Nations; an estimated 4.3 million people in developing countries died in 2012 as a result of indoor air pollution, mostly from cooking inside with coal or wood stoves.

Air pollution is so lethal because it exacerbates other conditions like cardio vascular diseases, cancer, and respiratory illnesses. Were people with those conditions permitted to breathe clean air free of hazardous chemicals and toxic particulates, they would live longer; thus the arrival times of many tagged for the infernal regions would be delayed so they could enjoy life a bit longer before beginning an eternity of perpetual anguish.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 18 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures in post #1 are in the ball park, then something like 1,053,504 new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Aug 11, 2018.

NOTE: Enough people have passed on to perdition in only eighteen days to equal Louis Farrakhan's million man march on Washington DC back in October of 1995.
The wrath of God is interesting. For example:

Isa 13:9 . . Behold, the day of Christ comes-- cruel; with both wrath and fierce anger

The Hebrew word for "wrath" in that statement is 'ebrah (eb-raw') which indicates an outburst of passion. In other words: the wrath of God won't be weeping big wet crocodile tears while it's slamming the dead at the Great White Throne event depicted at Rev 20:11-15; no, they will be terminated with extreme prejudice; viz: their judgment will be administered with choler. (cf. Isa 63:1-6, Rev 19:15)

Webster's defines "fierce" as a behavior exhibited by humans and animals that inspires terror because of the wild and menacing aspect of fury in attack. Ferocity is an aspect commonly seen among roaring, snarling lions savagely attacking prey. There's neither sportsmanship nor sympathy in ferocity; only sheer terror, brutality, and blood lust.

"cruel" is defined as: disposed to inflict pain or suffering; viz: devoid of humane feelings

Heb 10:27 . . A certain fearful expectation of . . . fiery indignation

"fiery indignation" is quite a bit more severe than ordinary indignation. It speaks of someone who is seriously ticked off; and so angry that they're actually red in the face.

There are people out there in pews all around the world who have been so coddled by sappy versions of Christianity that they have no concept of the magnitude of the lethal tsunami of rage and violence coming their way to get them.

Another interesting aspect of the wrath of God is the person appointed to administer it-- none other than the sweet little baby away in a manger.

John 5:22-23 . .The Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father.

Acts 17:31 . . For God has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead.

Rev 19:15 . . He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

All those horrors depicted in the book of Revelation? Jesus Christ has been designated to supervise every one of them: all the death, all the destruction, and all the terror.

Rev 1:1 . .The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants.
2Thes 2:11-12 . . God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

In other words: there's coming a time when God's patience will reach its reasonable limits, and He will purposely, willfully, and deliberately make sure that a certain category of people have no chance whatsoever to be spared the wrath of God.

Back when Noah was preparing the ark, no doubt his neighbors all mocked and poked fun at him like one of those deranged souls that go around with a sandwich board that reads: Repent; The End Is Near! But when the rain started, I bet those very same neighbors panicked and tried to get Noah to open up and let them in. But even had Noah wanted to; he couldn't. The hatch of the ark was sealed from the outside: and God was the only one on earth who could open it-- He chose not to.

Rev 1:18 . . I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.

Rev 3:7 . .These are the words of him who is holy and true: who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 20 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures in post #1 are in the ball park, then something like 1,170,560 new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Aug 11, 2018.
Acts 2:31a . . his soul was not left in hell

The Greek word for "hell" in that verse is haides (hah'-dace) which essentially means unseen. It refers to an afterlife situation irrespective of one's goodness or badness and regardless of age, race, religion, or gender.

Classical haides is divided into sections where the souls of the dead are assigned in accordance with the quality of their pre-death existence. The worst section is a deep abyss called Tartarus; which is utilized in the New Testament at 2Pet 2:4.

According to Luke 23:13, Jesus' soul vacationed in the better section of haides.

Acts 2:31 . . neither his flesh did see corruption.

Jesus' corpse was packed in spices but to my knowledge, not embalmed. Had it been allowed to remain deceased longer than three days, decay would've set in. (John 11:39.
This is a good post. Common sense statistics and a very real picture of the state of our world and the importance of preaching the gospel. Of course- this article being only conservative numbers of present day America, it’s surely frightening to think of how many souls go to hell every 24 hours around the world! Add onto that population fluctuations in the past and present.
They need the gospel!

They need it now.

I’d like to find out (when all is revealed in heaven) what the statistics were in Jesus’ day when the Bible speaks of events where 4,000 were saved in a day and so on. It wound sure be cool to see if that event was indeed a picture of statistical importance. You know what I mean? :) anyway haha
Good read! God bless you
It wound sure be cool to see if that event was indeed a picture of statistical importance.

Billy Graham's crusades did pretty well. His best one was held in Seoul, South Korea from May 30 to June 3, 1973 where some 75,000 inquirers made a decision for Christ.

An analysis of one of Billy's crusades in San Diego revealed that roughly 75% of his "converts" were already attending church on a regular basis; which leads me to wonder what their pastors were teaching on Sunday morning if congregations had to attend a Graham crusade in order to hear the gospel.

I have believed for some time now that the average Christian church is a mission field in itself; and that Paul's instructions to his friend Timothy are just as pertinent today as they were back then.

1Tim 4:13 . . Focus upon the public reading of scripture, and to preaching and teaching.

2Tim 4:5 . . Do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

Timothy's ministry wasn't on the road like Graham's; it was right at home in his own diocese.
A forgiven sinner is still sinful, and they'll go right on sinning same as before they were forgiven unless they undergo a radical re-design because human nature is intrinsically bad.

Gen 6:5 . .Yhvh saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.

Gen 8:21 . . Man's thoughts and actions are bent toward evil from childhood.

Jer 13:23 . . Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil.

Eph 2:3 . .We were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

"You should not be surprised at my saying: you must be born again." (John 3:7)

Well; in light of the passages above, it's certainly no surprise to me that people need to be brought to life all over again from scratch; and I'm not talking about reincarnation; no, I'm talking about an upgrade to the very core of their being so that they would, by nature, be the children of heaven rather than the children of hell.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 22 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures in post #1 are in the ball park, then something like 1,287,616 new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Aug 11, 2018.
Probably the first thing that most of us think of when we hear the word "hell" is everlasting torture. But the reservoir of burning sulfur depicted at Rev 20:10-15 is actually not so much a rack as it is a gallows. The reservoir is primarily an instrument for carrying out death sentences rather than life sentences.

A death sentence-- although a sentence with lasting effects --isn't perpetual; it's momentary. In other words: criminals are subjected to execution only long enough to end their lives. The primary reason we call the second death "eternal" is because it's permanent; viz: according to Dan 12:2 and John 5:28-29 there's only one resurrection allotted per person. Therefore nobody is coming back from the second death because they will have used up their one resurrection in order to face justice at the Great White Throne event.

NOTE: People walk away alive from the fire spoken of at 1Cor 3:5-15. Nobody walks away alive from the fire spoken of at Rev 20:10-15.
Human existence on earth is a composite of body, soul, and spirit. (Gen 2:7, 1Thes 5:23, Heb 4:12)

The body and the soul are readily destroyed by means of hell fire (Matt 10:28) but I have yet to come across a passage in the Bible teaching that the spirit is destroyed by that means; or by any means for that matter.

In what condition people will exist in the lake of brimstone depicted at Rev 20:11-15 minus a human body and a human soul I don't know. It might be that the human spirit is transferrable. What if God is able to move people's spirit around at will and attach it to a body and soul other than a human body and soul; say, the body and soul of a demonic being? The very thought of such a possibility is disturbing.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 24 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures in post #1 are in the ball park, then something like 1,404,672 new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Aug 11, 2018.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 24 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures in post #1 are in the ball park, then something like 1,404,672 new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Aug 11, 2018.

That figure is horrifying and should burn more powerfully in my heart than it does.
O Lord give us more compassion for the lost...

What is your calculated figure for the saved who have passed?
Birth & Death Rates | Ecology Global Network

Estimated 2011
Birth RateDeath Rate
19 births/1,000 population•
8 deaths/1,000 population•
131.4 million births per year•
55.3 million people die each year•
360,000 births per day• 151,600 people die each day•
15,000 births each hour•
6,316 people die each hour•
250 births each minute•
105 people die each minute•
Four births each second of every day•
Nearly two people die each second