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SignUp Now!Billions????? Surely you are joking.
No I am not joking. Surely you can understand the amount of people that have existed on this planet since the invention of medicines and vaccines. Lol
O no no no
This is so confusing
It has turned into an argumentative debate and is not helping me attall.
thank you for the responses but this is not what i expected.
Thank you!
Sorry again for the tight lipped tone.
Looking forward to discussing whether vaccinations suppress the immune system and whether there are benefits to vaccinations.
Sleep well.
AlterNet / By Daniela Perdomo
100,000 Americans Die Each Year from Prescription Drugs, While Pharma Companies Get Rich
Prescription drugs taken as directed kill 100,000 Americans a year. That's one person every five minutes. How did we get here?
June 25, 2010 |
How many people do you know who regularly use a prescription medication? If your social group is like most Americans', the answer is most. Sixty-five percent of the country takes a prescription drug these days. In 2005 alone, we spent $250 billion on them.
I recently caught up with Melody Petersen, author of >Link Edit an in-depth look at the pharmaceutical companies that have taken the reins of our faltering health care system by cleverly hawking every kind of drug imaginable. We discussed how this powerful industry has our health in its hands.
Daniela Perdomo: Your book includes some staggering stats. For example, 100,000 Americans die each year from prescription drugs — that’s 270 per day, or, as you put it, more than twice as many who are killed in car accidents each day. Could you elaborate on this? Are these people abusing their prescription drugs or is this a sign of prescription meds gone bad?
Melody Petersen: The study estimating that 100,000 Americans die each year from their prescriptions looked only at deaths from known side effects. That is, those deaths didn’t happen because the doctor made a mistake and prescribed the wrong drug, or the pharmacist made a mistake in filling the prescription, or the patient accidentally took too much. Unfortunately, thousands of patients die from such mistakes too, but this study looked only at deaths where our present medical system wouldn’t fault anyone. Tens of thousands of people are dying every year from drugs they took just as the doctor directed. This shows you how dangerous medications are.
DP: You write about a growing market for drugs for children. You say we know little about the long-term effects of prescription meds on kids. Let’s talk particularly about depression medications and ADHD meds, which seem to be what kids are mostly prescribed.
MP: In recent years, sales of drugs for children have been the industry’s fastest growing business. Doctors now prescribe pills to children for all kinds of conditions — from high cholesterol to anxiety. The market for ADHD drugs has long been a big opportunity for the industry. More recently, the companies have had their sales reps urge doctors to prescribe antidepressants, antipsychotics and other psychiatric meds to children. The result: our kids take more of those medicines than children in other countries. For example, a study last year found that American children take three times more attention deficit medications and antidepressants than children in Europe.
DP: Could you tell me how the prescription med industry is in bed with doctors?
MP: The industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars on physicians every year. In one survey, 9 out of 10 doctors said they had recently taken something of value from the drug industry. And some of those doctors take hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from the industry. The drug companies pay doctors to be their so-called consultants. They also pay them to sit on corporate advisory boards and to give lectures to other doctors. They pay for up to 80 percent of the continuing medical education that doctors need to maintain their licenses. If you ask a doctor if this is a problem, they will more than likely tell you no. But the studies show that even a small gift will sway doctors to write a prescription for a certain drug. The truth is that doctors are no longer independent gatekeepers who keep us safe from drugs we don’t need. Far too many of them are financially tied to the industry. They are writing the prescriptions that their financial backers want them to write.
Always seek God before putting anything in your temples.
Jesus Is Lord.
If I trust you and take you at your word that you are not fearful then I guess you will trust me and take me at my word when I say I am not fearful. I guess that there are people who choose to vaccinate out of fear and those who choose not to vaccinate out of fear and neither of us are in either of those categories. Good. Fear is useless.Since I have to start somewhere, I will respond to your remark that I have only been focusing on the "fear factor". To which my reply is, I am not in fear at all, I just make educated choices for myself. And not trusting someone (because of what you know about him) is not fear.Fear sells when it comes to drug companies, but I am not buying.
:wink: And to further that point, more often than not it is the fearful who buy. The people that get whipped up in the contrived mass hysteria.
I guess the main thing I take issue with in regards to this concept is that firstly: if there was a formula of toxins that combined to pose serious and significant danger to vaccine receivers then I think it's reasonable to expect that it would be able to be subjected to scientific testing. Yes, I understand the body is in many ways complex and mysterious, but I don't think that it's unrealistic to say: "if chemicals x, y and z are combining to pose risk, then I want to see the cause and effect". I want to see it having a reliable, measurable outcome on a statistically significant number of vaccine receivers before I am inclined to feel concerned about it. Cause before that happens I am reading the information as "this could possibly happen, doesn't it sound plausible and terrible" to which my answer is "yes it sounds plausible and terrible, if you can prove that it is occurring that way I am interested in that proof". I hope you can see how this is reasonable and don't feel I am being willfully ignorant, it's not a matter of ignoring the theories, I just would not act based on them without proof.Many professionals believe that it is a combination of these aduvants mixed together that are affecting children so adversely. This is known as synergistic toxicity and can worsen when a child receives multiple vaccines.
Secondly I take minor issue with the bubble over and explode analogy, only because these are inert materials which when combined do not bubble over and explode and that is something that has been tested and proven. There may be chemical reactions which result from their combination, but as before, I want to know what is going on, not just a vague "these things are combining and harming your child". "X is combining with y and when this happens we can see that z happens in a statistically significant portion of the vaccine receivers."So it is not the polio virus (or whatever the vaccine is for) that is the problem, it is the added chemicals that are. Like in a high-school chemistry lab experiment, it is when combinations of chemicals are added that things bubble over, explode, etc. from the chemical reaction.
It's not like somehow everyone is unaware that the vaccines are given multiple ones at a time. Researchers are aware of that. Are you trying to tell me that you know for a fact that no research has ever been done in this field of interactions between vaccines?This same premise holds true with what can happen to a child when he receives multiple vaccines. When a child receives a vaccination he receives a mixture of micro-organisms, adjuvants and chemical substances acting as preservatives. If he receives a multi-vaccination he receives these substances en mass, which brings us back to the synergistic toxicity (a volatile chemical reaction).
Fair enough. Of course this is true. But is there anything to show that it actually poses a higher risk? Rather than simply being an unnatural way of contracting disease? For the most part nature is superior, but that is no reason to avoid something because it does not happen in nature if there are other benefits.So, how does the vaccine's combination of adjuvants, chemicals, etc. affect the immune function? Well, each of these chemicals in their own right have a toxic effect on the body, never mind the combination of them. But more importantly, the route of entry for a vaccine is different to a naturally occurring disease. Most natural diseases would enter through the mouth or the nasal cavity, not the skin.
Vaccination breaks the skin with a needle and injects foreign matter into the blood supply. This bypasses the skin’s role in immune function, as well as the tonsils, the mucous membranes, etc.
I REALLY don't want to sound like a broken record! All these points are indeed concerning of course. But to make the step from concerning to something I need to act upon there needs to be more than a concern that this is what is happening. Yes, in nature people wouldn't get all three at once, yes, often people are vaccinated with more than three at a time. It DOES sound concerning. Can we prove there is reason for concern?Normally, the body produces extra antibodies after being alerted by it's built-in defense mechanisms that there is an impending infection. Therefore, if the infection takes hold, there will be an army of white blood cells, ready to neutralize the infection.
But in the case of vaccinations, this infection goes straight to the blood, with no prior build-up of defenses for the body, and as such there are no extra immune cells to deal with it.
Also - and this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT - with vaccination there is more than one disease present (e.g. the MMR), whereas a child would never contract 3 diseases at the same time. This puts alot of additional strain on the immune system, especially on that of a young child whose immune system is still forming.
Sounds concerning. Can we be sure that the risk of this happening outweighs the benefit of not contracting the disease?What problems can this cause? In the normal transmission of a virus to the body, only a small percentage of the body's immune system’s resources are used; whereas, in the case of vaccination, a much larger percentage is used, up to 70% in some cases. And because the body has no extra antibodies waiting to counter the vaccine, it can go into overdrive in an attempt to deal with the situation, taking much needed vitamins away from bones and other organs, to use for the production of more antibodies.
You will find that healthy and unhealthy people used to frequently be injured or die from diseases that vaccinations are now available for.A healthy body doesn't need help to fight infection and disease, only an UNHEALTHY one does.
It might. But until it does...And just because we don't come down with Polio (or whatever other disease we are vaccinated against) , it doesn't mean there aren't any hidden health problems - that may take many years to surface - that have been caused by the vaccinations.
I think this is an extremely important thing worth not losing sight of. We have a proven positive outcome, and a lot of meaningful concerns. The reason I choose to conscientiously vaccinate is that I am okay with going with the proof until we have better proof. I think this is the way we approach most other things in life. Innocent until proven guilty. You might not condemn a guilty man soon enough with this method, but you sure won't condemn an innocent man. They MIGHT be proven later on to be dangerous. It has happened before in medicine. It will happen again in medicine. But without the proof I don't think it's wise to act.And once again, I am not disputing that they help, at least as far as we can tell anyway.
I am concerned that when I read up on this instance it was associated with the discredited Andrew Wakefield. But that aside what I will say is this:Vaccine viruses can also attach themselves to cells, organs and brain tissue and cause cancers, disabilities and brain injury, as in the case of a boy who became autistic and had a seizure disorder after his MMR jab at 15 months. Great Ormand Street Children’s Hospital tested him at 13 years of age and found remains of vaccine viruses in the injured parts of his brain. (The Sunday Express, 6 October 2002).
Antibodies to brain tissue have also been found in blood tests of autistic children.
The companies and governments are without doubt piloted by sinful people with sinful intentions and desires. I don't debate that and I never will. But I am very concerned that here it seems that what I am reading is that you accept that they have done good (though we cannot know all the implications) and your primary wariness is towards the promoters of the vaccinations.I will just say it is not vaccinations, per se, that I am against. What I am wary of is the outright fraud, disinformation and conflict of interest that is rampant in the drug industry. As I stated before, I do not trust these people. They do not care about me or you. I take personal responsibility for my health, which means I do not blindly accept any of their (often bogus) claims without looking into them first.
Sad to end on this note but I am almost speechless you would post this. I thought the rest of the discussion was very productive.Thanks for this contribution! It is just one example of an astounding amount of similar information that could be provided. I was going to post a list of people who died from vaccines - their names, ages, what vaccine they took, how they died, etc., but I though it over and decided it would upset the more sensitive readers. It is a huge list, and quite sobering to the say the least.
It kind of reminds me of the premise in the horror movie "Saw". In that movie there were 2 people locked in a room, that basically had to decide who should live among them (only one of them was allowed to live). And the 2 people were told by their abductor that they would have to kill the other guy in the room with him, or their family would be killed.
So, to me, the vaccines have a similar dark side to them, in that - like in the case of the movie - someone gets to live, yet someone will die. Aren't we glad it is always someone else that dies??? And if it was OUR child that died, what side of the vaccine debate would we be on?
AlterNet / By Daniela Perdomo
100,000 Americans Die Each Year from Prescription Drugs, While Pharma Companies Get Rich
Prescription drugs taken as directed kill 100,000 Americans a year. That's one person every five minutes. How did we get here?
June 25, 2010 |
How many people do you know who regularly use a prescription medication? If your social group is like most Americans', the answer is most. Sixty-five percent of the country takes a prescription drug these days. In 2005 alone, we spent $250 billion on them.
I recently caught up with Melody Petersen, author of >Link Edit an in-depth look at the pharmaceutical companies that have taken the reins of our faltering health care system by cleverly hawking every kind of drug imaginable. We discussed how this powerful industry has our health in its hands.
Daniela Perdomo: Your book includes some staggering stats. For example, 100,000 Americans die each year from prescription drugs — that’s 270 per day, or, as you put it, more than twice as many who are killed in car accidents each day. Could you elaborate on this? Are these people abusing their prescription drugs or is this a sign of prescription meds gone bad?
Melody Petersen: The study estimating that 100,000 Americans die each year from their prescriptions looked only at deaths from known side effects. That is, those deaths didn’t happen because the doctor made a mistake and prescribed the wrong drug, or the pharmacist made a mistake in filling the prescription, or the patient accidentally took too much. Unfortunately, thousands of patients die from such mistakes too, but this study looked only at deaths where our present medical system wouldn’t fault anyone. Tens of thousands of people are dying every year from drugs they took just as the doctor directed. This shows you how dangerous medications are.
DP: You write about a growing market for drugs for children. You say we know little about the long-term effects of prescription meds on kids. Let’s talk particularly about depression medications and ADHD meds, which seem to be what kids are mostly prescribed.
MP: In recent years, sales of drugs for children have been the industry’s fastest growing business. Doctors now prescribe pills to children for all kinds of conditions — from high cholesterol to anxiety. The market for ADHD drugs has long been a big opportunity for the industry. More recently, the companies have had their sales reps urge doctors to prescribe antidepressants, antipsychotics and other psychiatric meds to children. The result: our kids take more of those medicines than children in other countries. For example, a study last year found that American children take three times more attention deficit medications and antidepressants than children in Europe.
DP: Could you tell me how the prescription med industry is in bed with doctors?
MP: The industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars on physicians every year. In one survey, 9 out of 10 doctors said they had recently taken something of value from the drug industry. And some of those doctors take hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from the industry. The drug companies pay doctors to be their so-called consultants. They also pay them to sit on corporate advisory boards and to give lectures to other doctors. They pay for up to 80 percent of the continuing medical education that doctors need to maintain their licenses. If you ask a doctor if this is a problem, they will more than likely tell you no. But the studies show that even a small gift will sway doctors to write a prescription for a certain drug. The truth is that doctors are no longer independent gatekeepers who keep us safe from drugs we don’t need. Far too many of them are financially tied to the industry. They are writing the prescriptions that their financial backers want them to write.
Always seek God before putting anything in your temples.
Jesus Is Lord.
It's good to see that you like to laugh, I know I'm a funny guy. But laughing at someone isn't humility is it? - it usually masks insecurity (or arrogance).
Proverbs 18:13
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
So please try to keep that in mind before you feel the urge to call someone else a conspiracy theorist right from the get-go, like you did to me. :wink:
“All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed, then it is violently attacked, then it is held to be self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
Also, they laughed at Noah too............
Now, as to your comment, are we talking about 20th century vaccinations and modern medicine? I ask this because you referred to the invention of medicines and all the people that have existed on this planet. I don't see the connection between vaccinations and the invention of medicine, which started in Mesopotamia 4,000-5,000 years ago.
Lastly, to clarify, when I said you must be joking, I was questioning the veracity of your statement that billions of people have been saved by vaccines, not how many people may or may not have received them. And I have not stated anywhere that vaccines have not helped people in the past.
O no no no
This is so confusing
It has turned into an argumentative debate and is not helping me attall.
thank you for the responses but this is not what i expected.
Peace Seeker said:Everyone has a right to his opinion, and no one can force you to have an educated opinion. But I don't know why I bother posting these things when most people have already made their minds up
Okay, now this is something good to work with, thank you Peace Seeker for the time you took in both reading and replying. Let's look at this stuff:
If I trust you and take you at your word that you are not fearful then I guess you will trust me and take me at my word when I say I am not fearful. I guess that there are people who choose to vaccinate out of fear and those who choose not to vaccinate out of fear and neither of us are in either of those categories. Good. Fear is useless.
The problem is, what's reasonable to you is not reasonable to unreasonable people in corporations that put profits over people. They operate on the basis of dollars and cents, not people and health. Do you really believe people come before profits when it comes to mega billion $ companies? They rape the third world and destroy human lives wherever they go! They bribe top officials in government, they have congress in their back pocket, etc. In a good world we would be able to talk about being reasonable, but this world is corrupt to the core.I guess the main thing I take issue with in regards to this concept is that firstly: if there was a formula of toxins that combined to pose serious and significant danger to vaccine receivers then I think it's reasonable to expect that it would be able to be subjected to scientific testing.
I don't know what you would accept as proof. I can't post website links here and I type far too slowly to be able to say even close to as much as I could or would want to say. I can't even post the title of books or sources, as that is against the rules.Yes, I understand the body is in many ways complex and mysterious, but I don't think that it's unrealistic to say: "if chemicals x, y and z are combining to pose risk, then I want to see the cause and effect". I want to see it having a reliable, measurable outcome on a statistically significant number of vaccine receivers before I am inclined to feel concerned about it. Cause before that happens I am reading the information as "this could possibly happen, doesn't it sound plausible and terrible" to which my answer is "yes it sounds plausible and terrible, if you can prove that it is occurring that way I am interested in that proof". I hope you can see how this is reasonable and don't feel I am being willfully ignorant, it's not a matter of ignoring the theories, I just would not act based on them without proof.
Again, I don't know what else I can say, as I have said quite a bit already in previous posts. And of course not, I didn't say that research has never been done into the interactions between vaccines. Research is done, but what results are trumpeted on the airwaves and in the news media? For example, when 51 out of 60 research labs discover that a certain vaccine is tainted with simian virus (SV40), we only hear about the 9 studies that show no problems. And who do those 9 work for? That's the way the big bad world works. Studies and research are routinely manipulated.Secondly I take minor issue with the bubble over and explode analogy, only because these are inert materials which when combined do not bubble over and explode and that is something that has been tested and proven. There may be chemical reactions which result from their combination, but as before, I want to know what is going on, not just a vague "these things are combining and harming your child". "X is combining with y and when this happens we can see that z happens in a statistically significant portion of the vaccine receivers."
It's not like somehow everyone is unaware that the vaccines are given multiple ones at a time. Researchers are aware of that. Are you trying to tell me that you know for a fact that no research has ever been done in this field of interactions between vaccines?
Well, if I answered this it might just be taken as an opinion, and I am not meaning to disrespect you when I say that. Let me give you an example though, that maybe will help : Breast implants. Silicone - bad. Saline - good. One synthetic and unnatural, one natural. This is another subject, but think about plastic. There are a lot of people that are aware of the harmful things in plastic and how they affect not only the environment but our health as well. Point being that unnatural should not be so relied upon when it comes to such an important matter as our health and lives.Fair enough. Of course this is true. But is there anything to show that it actually poses a higher risk? Rather than simply being an unnatural way of contracting disease? For the most part nature is superior, but that is no reason to avoid something because it does not happen in nature if there are other benefits.
I know the feeling !!I REALLY don't want to sound like a broken record!
Re the broken record , I don't know how or even if I can convince you of anything. Ultimately it is not up to me to do that, but for you to settle things in your own mind. There is so much info out there for all to see if they want to see it. I am not the Charles Spurgeon of immunology and vaccination, and I obviously make no claim as such. IE: I cannot convert the masses with just a few choice words that leave jaws hanging open, nor would I even want to be that guy even if I could. So if it were up to me to change peoples' stance on this subject, I would hope there are better writers, talkers and teachers out there than me that would step up to the plate.All these points are indeed concerning of course. But to make the step from concerning to something I need to act upon there needs to be more than a concern that this is what is happening. Yes, in nature people wouldn't get all three at once, yes, often people are vaccinated with more than three at a time. It DOES sound concerning. Can we prove there is reason for concern?
I don't mean to be flippant here, honestly I don't, but I have to once again liken that choice to the game of Russian Roulette. Someone is going to be affected. And when we are dealing with huge populations, someone means a lot. And oftentimes these victims are needlessly harmed, because there were many other options available that were dismissed, downplayed pushed to the side, and outright suppressed, all in the name of the almighty dollar.Sounds concerning. Can we be sure that the risk of this happening outweighs the benefit of not contracting the disease?
I do think we should endeavor to avoid those things you mentioned as much as possible. Not to the point of paranoia or panic, but just doing what you can and trusting God while you are at it. Of course, I could simply have the attitude that none of this matters, that all I have to do is trust God that He will never let anything harm me. And as I said in a reply to Brother Mike, that's great if you have such a powerful walk with God that you are able to do that. But then again, are we not required to have works that show our faith? I can pray for a job, but if I don't actually apply for a job, will my faith be enough? If I smoke cigarettes, would it be reasonable to ask God to not let them harm me?Look I get how you must be feeling. There is so much complex stuff that interacts with our bodies that wouldn't have done so 2000, 4000 years ago. But there is literally no way to know or guess what is going to effect you how. You could avoid it all as much as possible; the stuff in the water, air, food, medicine, clothing, products we use... But I think it would not lead to a profitable outcome for yourself.
I have thought about that point before this discussion ever came up (about the tent thing), and it crossed my mind again before I started typing this reply. And the answer I came up with was, shall we live a life of defeatism and act like nothing we do down here matters? Regarding keeping it in perspective, our bodies are the temple of God, so should we really not care how we treat it?Just as an aside; what is the goal here? Our bodies are tents. Whether we vaccinate or don't vaccinate we are going to get sickness, die eventually. Surely the goal is just good stewardship til we give up the tent for the house. I accept that good stewardship could come from either vaccinating or not vaccinating. I just want to keep it in perspective. We won't get a medal for the purest tents... I'm pretty sure. I have seen the effects of the serious diseases that most of the major vaccines were developed to immunise us from. Based on a risk and benefit assessment I choose not catching or passing on disease to body being possibly contaminated in an as yet unmeasurable way.
I have no problem with your decision. I am not judging you or anyone who disagrees with me. If you trust the mainstream news you read and hear, so be it. I don't, and I believe I have good reason not to. And I have taken more pills (for a medical condition) in the last 3 years than most will in a lifetime. And as such I know firsthand what drugs do to the body.I think this is an extremely important thing worth not losing sight of. We have a proven positive outcome, and a lot of meaningful concerns. The reason I choose to conscientiously vaccinate is that I am okay with going with the proof until we have better proof. I think this is the way we approach most other things in life. Innocent until proven guilty. You might not condemn a guilty man soon enough with this method, but you sure won't condemn an innocent man. They MIGHT be proven later on to be dangerous. It has happened before in medicine. It will happen again in medicine. But without the proof I don't think it's wise to act.
Okay, tell me who discredited him. Wi**pedia? Some writer for a daily newspaper? I had never even come across his name before you mentioned it, as he is by far not the only opponent of the drug conglomerates.I am concerned that when I read up on this instance it was associated with the discredited Andrew Wakefield.
I'm sure someone, somewhere, has used a worse analogy.All the flu vaccines and what you related with regards to this is very probably true. But as I have no interest in the flu vaccine and no intention to give it to my children I have never looked into it.
In light of that, this gives me cause for particular concern:
The companies and governments are without doubt piloted by sinful people with sinful intentions and desires. I don't debate that and I never will. But I am very concerned that here it seems that what I am reading is that you accept that they have done good (though we cannot know all the implications) and your primary wariness is towards the promoters of the vaccinations.
There are a lot of awful Christians out there. But that doesn't mean a thing about what God is like... and now I better stop cause I have just compared vaccines to God in an analogy
Originally Posted by Peace SeekerEveryone has a right to his opinion, and no one can force you to have an educated opinion. But I don't know why I bother posting these
things when most people have already made their minds up
With all due respect, I don't agree that being uneducated means or implies stupidity. I am uneducated as to the nature of how to build an automobile (to use an example), but that doesn't mean I am stupid. And that is the sentiment I was using. Have I ever called anyone stupid in any of my posts???? But I have been called things! As for the second sentence, is frustration not allowed?Peaceseeker, in these two sentences you quite arrogantly show that you see anyone who disagrees with you as stupid, which is an outright violation of the forum rule against insulting other members. Let this be a friendly warning to you; if you continue in this way an official warning will be issued and, if that doesn't work, you're subject to being banned.
P.S. Nothing that PeaceSeeker has posted in this thread has been off the mark.