Hello Jari.
Consider the concept "a new creation".
A new creation is a person that has died with
Christ and been reborn.
A new creation is a spiritual creation in Christ.
A new creation is eternal, not essentially defined
within linear time. Hence, already seated
with Christ. This is only logical.
If the new creation looks back at the world of sin
and returns, then the new creation has died and
the old creation is alive once more.
It is impossible for a new creation to perform works
relating to salvation because that is self justification.
Self justification is only ever an attribute of the
person striving to appear sinless in God's eyes.
A person who does not believe in Jesus is
performing self justification, a new creation
cannot justify itself that is illogical.
So it must then represent a paradox if a new creation
is ever accused of self justification. A new creation
is righteous because of Christ, there is no self
justification, that is a paradox, the argument
necessarily fails.
Thus, whatever works the new creation is asked
to perform by God these works can never be construed
as works contributing to salvation. Only ever works
befitting the new creation. Or works that God
designed in the universe for the new creation to do.
Is it possible for the new creation not to bear fruit.
Of course it is impossible, a new creation is created by
God and will through faith bear fruit. Is it necessary
to bear fruit, well you are not a new creation if you
do not bear fruit.
How do you know if you are a new creation?
If and only if you received the Holy Spirit!
The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are His!
How's that Jari?
Consider the concept "a new creation".
A new creation is a person that has died with
Christ and been reborn.
A new creation is a spiritual creation in Christ.
A new creation is eternal, not essentially defined
within linear time. Hence, already seated
with Christ. This is only logical.
If the new creation looks back at the world of sin
and returns, then the new creation has died and
the old creation is alive once more.
It is impossible for a new creation to perform works
relating to salvation because that is self justification.
Self justification is only ever an attribute of the
person striving to appear sinless in God's eyes.
A person who does not believe in Jesus is
performing self justification, a new creation
cannot justify itself that is illogical.
So it must then represent a paradox if a new creation
is ever accused of self justification. A new creation
is righteous because of Christ, there is no self
justification, that is a paradox, the argument
necessarily fails.
Thus, whatever works the new creation is asked
to perform by God these works can never be construed
as works contributing to salvation. Only ever works
befitting the new creation. Or works that God
designed in the universe for the new creation to do.
Is it possible for the new creation not to bear fruit.
Of course it is impossible, a new creation is created by
God and will through faith bear fruit. Is it necessary
to bear fruit, well you are not a new creation if you
do not bear fruit.
How do you know if you are a new creation?
If and only if you received the Holy Spirit!
The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are His!
How's that Jari?