I completely disagree with your Youth Pastor.
"Then I got into church, and I still had it. Well, my youth pastor asked me when I was going to take it out, and I asked him was it a sin to have it. He said no, but it is a sin to make others stumble in their walk with christ, and confuse the lost from eternity." That translates into, no its not a sin, but I don`t like it, so no one else should. Also, I fail to see what a piercing has to do with causing anyone to stumble, or confusing the lost for eternity? That is sloppy theology at best. It is this kind of teaching that goes beyond what is written in the Word, that has caused so much confusion in the first place.
"And having all those peircings or just a few or maybe one besides earrings will confuse them on what's real." There is no basis in the Word for this "one is alright, two is wrong," sorry.
What makes them so different? Hopefully they have GOD on the inside,
and that is the only thing that makes any of us 'different'.
A pure, holy, and clean temple is one where the Spirit has taken up residence in the heart, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the number or lack of holes.