The church is the Commonwealth of Israel. The term "church", ekklasia, means a called out assembly for a specific purpose, usually for business or political issues in the ancient Greek culture. It wasn't a unique name for the church in this regard, any committee or panel could fit this definition. God's church started with Adam and Eve. Adam was put down to a slumber, when he woke up, he saw Eve who was made out of matters taken from his side, that's the prototype for the Messiah and the Church. Jesus was buried in the tomb, when he rose up, he saw Mary Magdalene who was washed by the blood gushed out from his side, that's the NT parallel. The only difference is that God's church is not just Israel, but the Commonwealth of Israel, it's no longer limited to the Jews, as Gentiles are now adopted into God's church through Christ. Therefore, the "replacement" theory is a big misunderstanding, the church is not only God's original design for Adam and Eve, but also the real fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant - "all nations on earth will be blessed through you."