The wheat and the chaff are already being separated, today's persecution is a litmus test, and it is unprecedented at least in American history. There are the faithful Philadelphians and there are the lukewarm Laodiceans. There are many who cower to the false wokeness religion and bring it into God's house of worship, and those are few who faithfully teach the Bible and expose the spiritual darkness. The only question is which side do we choose.
That's not what I've heard from sources like Understanding the Times, Signs of the Time and other dispensationalists. They all suggest that the church will go to heaven immediately and stay for seven years, then return to claim the earth with Jesus on horseback. Those are truly honorable and brave warriors of Christ, I listen to them regularly with admiration and respect, but despite their character, this kind of rapture is still a fantasy.
As for the Israelites, those 40 years in the wilderness was their choice. God didn't have them stranded, He prepared a land flowing milk and honey for them, and it only took two weeks at most to travel from Egypt to the Holy Land on foot, that was God's plan, which they declined. You see, the thing is, God took them out of Egypt, but He didn't take Egypt out of them. Some of them declined to enter into the Holy Land and longed for their old days of slavery in Egypt. Therefore, this generaion was unworthy of the Land of Canaan, they were unwilling and incapable of the conquest, it must be the next generation, and it took 40 years for all of them to die off.
Even in the houses (churches) you feel, are the good churches, they too are fallen. How often i have heard with my own ears, preachers teaching thier own flocks to hate thier brothers and sisters.
Oh yes, hate, condemn, etc, etc. Even here, in this very 'Talk Jesus' it still comes out. Catholics going to hell, etc.
Anyone with hate in thier hearts, who has no love or forgiveness for thier brothers and sisters are not welcome in Heaven.
It is not only the woke teaching that is evil. There are many false teachings, including the one of the Rapture. As the rapture theory actually leads people away from God. It is a teaching to have people consumed with saving thier own selves versus trusting in God.
"Understanding the Sign of the Times' , do they tell you who the Witnesses are too, LOL.
Jonathan, you have a Gift of Discernment, why are you letting people lead your thoughts? Let God lead and believe. Use your faith.
The example you wrote , saying, God took them out of Egypt, but thier hearts were still in Egypt, is exactly how it is with Christians. Many, who even after the Great Day (the 6th Seal) will still follow thier minds. Deluded with the failure of the rapture, will turn to the One World Church. And many former Christian peachers (even those well known) will preach for them (OWC) And encourage thier flocks to join this worldly church.
Even worse, they will encourage people to take the Mark of the Beast, saying, "we are the Children of God, we fear nothing" or "You are Baptized in the Lord, it is ok to get the Mark, as our names are written in Heaven".
But once anyone recieves the Mark, thier names will be removed from Heaven's Book, because it was set there by the Holy Spirit, and taking the Mark is in defiance of God and a sin against the Holy Spirit.