God has given us His word, that is enough.
Within the love of Christ our Saviour,
our Lord and Head.
Yes! And somewhere around "AD 30" He said This to HIS Disciples:
15He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
16Whoever Believes And Is Baptized Will Be Saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17
And these signs will accompany those who believe:
In My Name They Will Drive Out Demons; They Will Speak In New Languages 18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
and remember:
New American Standard Bible
“Take care not to
practice your righteousness
in the sight of people, being noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.
and do not be like Hypocrites and do these works in churches standing up, and when you pray and do your righteous acts, do it in secret , these love standing up in the churches, , do not be like them. "BY their fruits you will know them" .
For by Grace you have Been Saved and not by works, less any man should Boasts. It is A "GIFT" and not earned" For There are many that cannot talk, For there are many that cannot walk, for there are many have not Vocal cords, there are many that do not have, "Ear drums"in their ears to hear, for there are many that have no legs and arms, some was born without them. Some have been born, that have no eyes to see, even some that have been born without a tongue in Their mouths. For some are born retarded, handicapped, for one I knew a little white girl used to loved rubbing my "Bald-head" in Church on Sunday mornings and she would just laugh and smile at me! And I would tell her parents leave her alone, and when I preached or sing a song from right where I would be seated, She would be so happy! and clap her hands, and sit down right beside me and hum the best she knew how. For The WORD of GOD is Enough and Jesus Is All we need! But so many have to be convince of This "TRUTH" and it is a shame it will have to Take The END of All Things for they can be convince That "GOD" is All we need!
For Jesus The Christ of GOD is "THE WRITTEN WORD" For Jesus The Christ is "THE REVEALED WORD" for Jesus Christ is "The SPOKEN WORD", For Jesus Christ is "THE WALKING WORD" For The SON of GOD can Be anything His FATHER wants HIM TO BE! For HE IS "GOD" and There is None else Like HIM, For if He decides To cry like A BABY! For He still is "GOD"! and Yes I am in agreement with you "Complete"
John 1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
[So in essence He was Here Before "The BEGINNING of ALL Creation" Before a beginning He was and is The SON of GOD]
"God has given us His word, that is enough." Even, if we have to ask The "Quadriplegic" and ask the one who have no shoes to put on their feet and go to bed hungry every night, ask His child that have to drink muddy and dirty water, Ask His Child who have to eat worms and bugs for protein. Ask His child who is torture in The jungles and the deserts, ask His Child who is being raped and slave out every day. "Jesus is enough" this stuff is going on everyday! The devil is attacking The Real Children of GOD everyday! Not one day is pass for he is not touring one of The "Elect of GOD". And we feel their pain every day, Why? Because they are a Part of the "BODY of CHRIST" they are a part of us! How can we not feel their suffering and pain. For the Parakletos lets us know what is going on through the book. And Now That is what you call "the truth". and these people are still witnessing to their slave masters and tormentors That "JESUS is THE CHRIST" of GOD. The Son of The Living GOD. And no matter what they do to them. He is Their GOD and That He loves Them even if he does not delivery them form their hands.
And "The LORD is Their Shephard and they have no other need".
I had never seen any thing like it since I observe these people in "Reformation Bible College" coming home on break from the mission fields.
New International Version 1 Peter 5:9
"Resist him, standing firm in the faith,
because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." And Count It Worthy To Suffer All Kinds Of Suffering AnD Willing To Die In That Name! And Count It All Joy!
Now that is a "True Spiritual GIFT" coming down from GOD The FATHER" The father of Lights a good and Perfect Gift. To be able to suffer in The name of Jesus Christ. For many have not that gift or the desirer to Suffer in great agony and pain of all kinds in His name.