Will people who struggle with addiction get damned to Hell?
I wonder,, because when you get born again you become a new creation
2 Corinthians 5:17 you are not longer in bondage, you have been set free
Galatians 5:1 , so would a person who has been set free still struggle with addiction? my thought is maybe at first, but after 20 years if that person is still stuggling maybe person has not really been set free,,, or become a new creation.
God word tells us ,,,if we are doing certain things, we are not going to heaven,,. so in the below verse, if someone is a drunkard they are not going to heaven, that is a form of addiction ,,,is it not??
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Jesus tells us we must be born again to enter heaven,
John 3:3
Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Being born again comes with proof that you have been changed. That you are a new creation. In real life that is a changed lifestyle. The Word Of God says those that practice sin do not enter the Kingdom of God,,,,,,,,,so is addiction not the very thing God words says about practicing sin???
Addiction sucks it is the worst thing in the world,, I know I was in it. But IMO it is NOT a disease !! it is a enslavement to sin, and the devil owns you,,, addicts hate themselves, they do things they no are wrong and will hurt others,,,,it is because they are enslaved to sin,, (not because they do not care) (not because they want to),, Jesus is the only one who can truly set them Free from the enslavement, and when Jesus sets them free they will see a lifestyle change.
The fuzzy part for me is if the addict has not changed in 20 years, but confesses Jesus as Christ is he saved,,,, I hope so, but I do not see any indication of it in the word of God..
The proof of being a changed Born again person who is on there way to heaven is shown in a person lifestyle, not in the persons words IMO I realize there is scripture that says Believe and be saved,, yet when I look at the whole bible,, and what being born again means, it really shows what believing looks like in a lifestyle not in words.
Never Give up on a addict !! Jesus can do anything,,, but hold the addict accountable and do not enable them..
Even if the addict quits using whatever they are addicted to,, with out Jesus they are still enslaved !! because they are quitting on there own will power and struggle with it,, and will give in sooner or later, the addiction is always on there mind. I was having lunch with a freind the other day, it was about 20 years since I saw him. We both were addicts,, we both no longer use,,,,now here is the point,,,, I asked him how he it was to be sober, he said he struggles with it every day and has to fight it,,, the difference Jesus has set me free from it.. and I do not even think about using anymore, my freind has quit on his own will power,, Jesus has set me free,,,, see the difference