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Speaking in Tongues: Required for Regeneration?.

and I was taught to speak in tongues and interpret,
A very dubious claim.
As a true Pentecostal disciple I deny that you can be "taught" to speak in tongues, nor can you be "taught" to interpret.
These are gifts and expressions of the Holy Spirit and not derived from other humans.
In 26 years I have never ever come across what cessationists claim as fake tongues.
Every Spirit-filled disciple who prays in tongues can discern the spiritual work of the Holy Spirit.

I do not know what was going on in the church where you allegedly were taught to speak in tongues and interpret, but it I believe it far more credible that you are a backslider
and need to protest and deny the truth of your conversion in order to justify your cessationist doctrine.
I only wanted God's Truth, and not some man's truth.
Likewise. So I prayed directly to Jesus for him to lead me to the true gospel - what Jesus as the God of my salvation approved of.
And he directly lead me to a Bible obedient Pentecostal assembly where everyone born of the Spirit prayed in tongues.
Then I understood what God had given me many years earlier when I received His Spirit and spoke in tongues.
Even though I wandered in the wilderness for many years I had a God consciousness that pricked me from time-to-time, and looking back over my life I can see that God also
saved my life from some mortal dangers that could of ended my life.
A very dubious claim.
As a true Pentecostal disciple I deny that you can be "taught" to speak in tongues, nor can you be "taught" to interpret.
These are gifts and expressions of the Holy Spirit and not derived from other humans.
In 26 years I have never ever come across what cessationists claim as fake tongues.
Every Spirit-filled disciple who prays in tongues can discern the spiritual work of the Holy Spirit.
I attended and studied the Pentecostal denomination, but mostly attending a FourSquare denomination for many years. I also listened to Word of Faith teachers and shortly attended those churches.

You are wrong about not being taught, taught by example and taught to just let it go and come out.

I do not know what was going on in the church where you allegedly were taught to speak in tongues and interpret, but it I believe it far more credible that you are a backslider
and need to protest and deny the truth of your conversion in order to justify your cessationist doctrine.
You are believing what false teachers teach you. I have proven the truth with the scriptures that Jesus has revealed to me. I have given you many scriptures, and spoke in great detail about them.
Likewise. So I prayed directly to Jesus for him to lead me to the true gospel - what Jesus as the God of my salvation approved of.
And he directly lead me to a Bible obedient Pentecostal assembly where everyone born of the Spirit prayed in tongues.
Then I understood what God had given me many years earlier when I received His Spirit and spoke in tongues.
Even though I wandered in the wilderness for many years I had a God consciousness that pricked me from time-to-time, and looking back over my life I can see that God also
saved my life from some mortal dangers that could of ended my life.
God doesn't lead us to a denomination.
I have given you many scriptures, and spoke in great detail about them.
You handle the word of God deceitfully and without understanding.
I have proven the truth with the scriptures that Jesus has revealed to me.
You have proved nothing.
Jesus would not speak against His own truth for God cannot lie.
Jesus revealed the truth of the scriptures to me when I again spoke in tongues with understanding of the gospel of salvation.
God confirmed the truth of scripture that day that I spoke forth in tongues again after many years of abstinence:
Mark 16:17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
A promise made by both Jesus and the Father "for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself."
You are wrong about not being taught, taught by example and taught to just let it go and come out.
You are being disingenuous about what happened at your Four Square church experience.
To speak in tongues is spiritual and can only be done by the power of spirit - for Christian disciples it is of the Holy Spirit.
"to just let it go and come out" sounds like you actually spoke in tongues when you submitted to God and allowed the Holy Spirit to flow through you.
John 7:38 Who believeth unto me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
But you have become a backslider (and not the only one) and now deny the gospel written of in our NT - the gospel for the Spirit-filled ekklesia where disciples spoke in tongues and enjoyed also the 9 gifts
of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ - wisdom, knowledge, discerning of spirits, faith, healings, working of miracles, and also the 3 voice gifts for worship meetings > tongues, interpretation and prophecy.
You are being disingenuous about what happened at your Four Square church experience.
To speak in tongues is spiritual and can only be done by the power of spirit - for Christian disciples it is of the Holy Spirit.
"to just let it go and come out" sounds like you actually spoke in tongues when you submitted to God and allowed the Holy Spirit to flow through you.
John 7:38 Who believeth unto me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
But you have become a backslider (and not the only one) and now deny the gospel written of in our NT - the gospel for the Spirit-filled ekklesia where disciples spoke in tongues and enjoyed also the 9 gifts
of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ - wisdom, knowledge, discerning of spirits, faith, healings, working of miracles, and also the 3 voice gifts for worship meetings > tongues, interpretation and prophecy.

Too bad that you believe that.
@God's Truth

No saved believer having gone astray, are going to hell, because even though former believers would deny Him for why He would deny them at the rapture event, former believers and those whom have gone astray are left behind, He still abides in them;

2 Timothy 2:18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. 19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. 20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. 21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

What you are saying is kind of hard to understand the way you put it...are you saying that a saved person cannot fall away from God after getting saved and end up in the lake of fire? If that is what you are saying, you are dead wrong. Scripture affirms and gives numerous examples of people who were at one time walking with God but fell away. Plus, nothing in the reference you give supports anything that you claimed above. Nothing in the text speaks to your point, and verse 18 actually tells you otherwise, contradicting what you claim.

That is why even former believers are still saved as they are still to be called to depart from iniquity before the Bridegroom comes so they too can be received by Him as that vessel unto honor in His House which is the eternal glory that comes with our salvation in Christ's Jesus.

Negative, Scripture does not support your claim. The closest it comes to what you are trying to say, is that those who believe who once walked with God but who fell away, are still called to repentance. As long as they remain outside of Christ, they are on their way to eternal fire. Eternal life is conditional, it always has been - as long as one is in Christ he is on his way to heaven, but if he falls away from Christ then he is no longer abiding in Christ and is on his way to eternal flames. That is what Scripture teaches.

2 Timothy 2:10 Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 11 It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: 12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: 13 If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

Actually, that is calvinist nonsense false doctrine you are borrowing from here, complete with the false illogical reasoning from calvin. Verse 13 says that God cannot deny Himself, that means in plain simple English that if you fall away from Him, He will not go against His own rules...you are on your way to hell. It does NOT say, contrary to calvin, that He cannot deny His love for you so He will not cast you out. And there are a number of Scriptures that ratify that doctrine.

2 Corinthians 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

While this verse is obviously true, it has nothing to do with what you are claiming above. You must be reading something into the text, because nothing there supports what you are claiming.

I have a powerful testimony of when I was saved.

So do I (if what you are claiming is true), I got saved because my family moved into a haunted house overrun by demons, and that scared the sin out of me... ;)

I only wanted God's Truth, and not some man's truth.

That was good...but it doesn't mean that you have come to that truth. Wanting and having are two different things, and there is only one way to ascertain whether or not what a person has is Biblical truth, and that is by the application of a complete Biblical hermeneutic.

When I searched for God, I searched for Him in many denominations, and would still be searching if I didn't get Jesus' teachings in the Bible and do what he says to do.

You don't see that even though what you seek is good, what you claim directly contradicts Scripture...therefore, what you have is NOT God's truth...it is what you "think" is truth. Therefore, you believe "man's truth," which is from your own carnal mind, not Scripture. You have exactly what you claim you do not want to have.

After I was saved, sometimes I wasn't careful, and believed what teachers told me, and I was taught to speak in tongues and interpret, until a relative asked me what it was and how to do it, then, wanting to teach them only with scriptures, I realized I believed what a preacher said about tongues and the scriptures, instead of checking them out myself.

Actually, what you claim here is not accurate, because what you currently believe on this subject is NOT from Scripture, but from man. You may have been on the right path before, but like so many millions of others, you have listened to the voices of seducing spirits which have taught you false doctrine.

There was a short time I believed in the trinity because they taught Jesus was God, but they also taught wrong that Jesus was different from God. I have so many scriptures to show that Jesus is God the Father come as a son, they are one and are the same one.

So, now you say that you do not believe in the Trinity? You are right that Jesus is Yahweh God in the flesh...so what makes you think (if you do) that the Holy Spirit isn't God, too?

I had people try to lead me astray to Calvinism, and the like. I hardly ate and drank and sleep for a couple of weeks, while I studied the scriptures to see if it was true, and God showed me it was not true.

That's good...apparently you are trying to be on the right path, and I commend you for that. However, on the present point, you do not hold to what Scripture teaches as a whole. What you have done is violate a number of Biblical principles of interpretation, and taken two-three passages on the subject when there are over 20 other passages that address the topic (in short, you violated the Topical Principle), and when you cherry pick passages to take and ignore all of the other passages that address that topic, then you will ALWAYS come out with a false ideology, and those lead to false teachings and false doctrines.

By the way, you say you have rejected calvinism (which is good, because it is an entire false religion just like JW's and mormons)...however, apparently you are not aware of the fact that cessationism (which is what you are currently claiming is truth) ORIGINATED with calvin and his other false doctrines. So, you might reject the majority of calvinistic doctrines, but what you are clinging to now and claiming as fact, IS a doctrine straight out of calvinism.

Just thought you should know that.

So do I (if what you are claiming is true), I got saved because my family moved into a haunted house overrun by demons, and that scared the sin out of me... ;)
Sounds really interesting, you post about it before and have a link?
That was good...but it doesn't mean that you have come to that truth.
Wanting and having are two different things, and there is only one way to ascertain whether or not what a person has is Biblical truth, and that is by the application of a complete Biblical hermeneutic.
You don't see that even though what you seek is good, what you claim directly contradicts Scripture...therefore, what you have is NOT God's truth...it is what you "think" is truth. Therefore, you believe "man's truth," which is from your own carnal mind, not Scripture. You have exactly what you claim you do not want to have.
Actually, what you claim here is not accurate, because what you currently believe on this subject is NOT from Scripture, but from man. You may have been on the right path before, but like so many millions of others, you have listened to the voices of seducing spirits which have taught you false doctrine.
So, now you say that you do not believe in the Trinity? You are right that Jesus is Yahweh God in the flesh...so what makes you think (if you do) that the Holy Spirit isn't God, too?
Jesus is the Holy Spirit. There is only one Spirit. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same Spirit.
That's good...apparently you are trying to be on the right path, and I commend you for that. However, on the present point, you do not hold to what Scripture teaches as a whole. What you have done is violate a number of Biblical principles of interpretation, and taken two-three passages on the subject when there are over 20 other passages that address the topic (in short, you violated the Topical Principle), and when you cherry pick passages to take and ignore all of the other passages that address that topic, then you will ALWAYS come out with a false ideology, and those lead to false teachings and false doctrines.

By the way, you say you have rejected calvinism (which is good, because it is an entire false religion just like JW's and mormons)...however, apparently you are not aware of the fact that cessationism (which is what you are currently claiming is truth) ORIGINATED with calvin and his other false doctrines. So, you might reject the majority of calvinistic doctrines, but what you are clinging to now and claiming as fact, IS a doctrine straight out of calvinism.
Glad to hear you don't believe in Calvin's doctrine and the like.
You do believe in faith alone though?
Just thought you should know that.
Let's discuss and debate then.
Sounds really interesting, you post about it before and have a link?

No, not here.

Jesus is the Holy Spirit. There is only one Spirit. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same Spirit.

True...you just said in that last post that you "used to believe in the trinity," which says that you do not any longer. But if you believe the Holy Spirit is God, and Christ is God, then that is what the trinity doctrine basically teaches.

Glad to hear you don't believe in Calvin's doctrine and the like.
You do believe in faith alone though?

No, because that is not what Scripture teaches. When the whole Word of God is taken topically on the subject, a person does not get saved and enter into Christ (thus, the kingdom of God), unless he meets all of God's criteria: he chooses to believe in the gospel and Christ, he chooses to believe that Jesus is Yahweh in the flesh, he chooses to repent from living a sinful lifestyle, and he chooses to receive water baptism into Christ. Faith alone is a half truth (basically a deceiving lie), as is grace alone...as is grace and faith alone.

Let's discuss and debate then.

That cessationism originated from calvinism? There's nothing to debate, it is a well known fact. Upon reading his works, he chose to believe that the gifts of the Spirit were no longer active in the church simply because he was a fool and arrogant man...he didn't manifest any gifts of the Spirit (because he was never truly saved in the first place), and he believed in his arrogance that he was God's man for the hour, and if he didn't have any of the gifts, then his only logical conclusion (based in his arrogance) was that they ceased with the death of the last apostle.

Of course, as I have already given you before, that conclusion is NOT Biblical nor attenuating to the real world. Not boasting, only saying what follows as real world example...I have cast demons out of a number of people, I have healed a woman in the last stage of breast cancer when she was on her death bed, and I pray in my spiritual language every day. I have also been present when real people visiting our church in Japan (who was from Korea) where a wife of a service member (American Caucasian) who know absolutely no Korean, and the Spirit spoke through her in tongues and then gave the interpretation. After the service, the two visiting Koreans went up to her and asked where she learned Korean because her speech was perfect, without even an English accent. She told them that she didn't know Korean, and then explained what had happened. Those two Koreans received Christ that day because of what took place - and that is EXACTLY what Paul says about tongues...that they are a sign to unbelievers.

I have been in hundreds of church services where the gift of tongues and interpretation was present...just as I have also been in hundreds of church services where people abused their prayer language and spoke out loud when we have been told by Paul NOT to do that. There are, of course, pretenders also...just as satan masquerades as an angel of light to appear to people for the purpose of throwing them off of the true path. When it comes to these people, we have to remember not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Just because some pretend and others abuse, does NOT mean that tongues is gone, especially when Scripture tells you to your face that these gifts and ministerial offices will continue as long as the church is present upon the earth.


No, not here.
It really sounds interesting
True...you just said in that last post that you "used to believe in the trinity," which says that you do not any longer. But if you believe the Holy Spirit is God, and Christ is God, then that is what the trinity doctrine basically teaches.
I believe that there is only one divine Spirit, the Father is Spirit, Jesus is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. The three are one and the same Spirit.
No, because that is not what Scripture teaches. When the whole Word of God is taken topically on the subject, a person does not get saved and enter into Christ (thus, the kingdom of God), unless he meets all of God's criteria: he chooses to believe in the gospel and Christ, he chooses to believe that Jesus is Yahweh in the flesh, he chooses to repent from living a sinful lifestyle, and he chooses to receive water baptism into Christ. Faith alone is a half truth (basically a deceiving lie), as is grace alone...as is grace and faith alone.
Wow, so glad to hear you say that. We can have agreement on this and even strengthen each other in that truth.
That cessationism originated from calvinism?
The Catholics don't believe in speaking in tongues, but I have heard of a group that calls themselves Catholic and claim to speak in tongues.
There's nothing to debate, it is a well known fact. Upon reading his works, he chose to believe that the gifts of the Spirit were no longer active in the church simply because he was a fool and arrogant man...he didn't manifest any gifts of the Spirit (because he was never truly saved in the first place), and he believed in his arrogance that he was God's man for the hour, and if he didn't have any of the gifts, then his only logical conclusion (based in his arrogance) was that they ceased with the death of the last apostle.

Of course, as I have already given you before, that conclusion is NOT Biblical nor attenuating to the real world. Not boasting, only saying what follows as real world example...I have cast demons out of a number of people, I have healed a woman in the last stage of breast cancer when she was on her death bed, and I pray in my spiritual language every day.
I never said casting out demons stopped, or healing stopped. There are other gifts of the Spirit too that have not stopped. However, I believe tongues, prophecies and new knowledge have ceased. Even miracles aren't happening exactly as was during the New Testament times. Of course the greatest of miracles are given by God for a testimony, and they aren't done anymore, because God already gave the testimony. There aren't people being raised from the dead after four days, and those born blind aren't given sight supernaturally, and those born paralyzed aren't walking supernaturally. Just like there was a time for the miracles Moses did, the parting of the Red Sea...that kind of miracle wasn't done in the New Testament time.

I have also been present when real people visiting our church in Japan (who was from Korea) where a wife of a service member (American Caucasian) who know absolutely no Korean, and the Spirit spoke through her in tongues and then gave the interpretation. After the service, the two visiting Koreans went up to her and asked where she learned Korean because her speech was perfect, without even an English accent. She told them that she didn't know Korean, and then explained what had happened. Those two Koreans received Christ that day because of what took place - and that is EXACTLY what Paul says about tongues...that they are a sign to unbelievers.
I have been in hundreds of church services where the gift of tongues and interpretation was present...just as I have also been in hundreds of church services where people abused their prayer language and spoke out loud when we have been told by Paul NOT to do that. There are, of course, pretenders also...just as satan masquerades as an angel of light to appear to people for the purpose of throwing them off of the true path. When it comes to these people, we have to remember not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Just because some pretend and others abuse, does NOT mean that tongues is gone, especially when Scripture tells you to your face that these gifts and ministerial offices will continue as long as the church is present upon the earth.

You probably believe prophecies haven't ceased either. I went to this one church a couple of times, and the pastors said they could prophecy. They did say exactly what had been on my mind for a while, it was astonishing how they knew. The part that bothered me most though about them doing that, is why didn't they mention my amazing testimony and talk about that, and, or, why didn't they understand why I had what I had on my mind...it just didn't seem to make me feel that it was from God what they were doing, because it didn't edify me. Do you know what I mean? It was as if they were mind reading, or even psychic, but how do they think that is prophecy?
The Catholics don't believe in speaking in tongues, but I have heard of a group that calls themselves Catholic and claim to speak in tongues.

They are called charismatic catholics. I used to live in a city where they broke off from the catholic church and started their own church, because the diocese threatened to kick them out if they didn't stop praying in tongues.

I never said casting out demons stopped, or healing stopped. There are other gifts of the Spirit too that have not stopped.

This is part of your problem here. Spiritual gifts are spiritual gifts, they all came together, and they all remain together, until they are no longer needed. As I have already demonstrated with a few Scriptures, God has made all of these gifts and offices part of the church, period. As long as the church is present upon the earth, these gifts and offices will continue. Your claim that they have ceased, is nonsense and in direct contradiction to what Scripture teaches. That means...you are wrong on this point. Scripture demonstrates what is true and what is half truths (lies in disguise)...and what you hold to on this point is not truth.

However, I believe tongues, prophecies and new knowledge have ceased.

Yes...in direct opposition to what Scripture teaches.

Even miracles aren't happening exactly as was during the New Testament times. Of course the greatest of miracles are given by God for a testimony, and they aren't done anymore, because God already gave the testimony. There aren't people being raised from the dead after four days, and those born blind aren't given sight supernaturally, and those born paralyzed aren't walking supernaturally. Just like there was a time for the miracles Moses did, the parting of the Red Sea...that kind of miracle wasn't done in the New Testament time.

Here you have another kind of problem. People have been raised from the dead, primarily in missions. Smith Wigglesworth is accredited with raising 17 people from the dead during his ministry, along with speaking in tongues and prophecies, healing people of blindness, healing them from cancers, making the lame to walk again, etc. Just because YOU have never seen a miracle like these does NOT mean that they have ceased...it just means you have a very poor and limited life experience. I know of a very trustworthy person who has witnessed limbs growing where the person being healed had no arm or leg, and that was NEVER written about in Scripture...but according to you, because you have never witnessed it with your own eyes, you choose not to believe it happened. I almost feel sorry for you...

You probably believe prophecies haven't ceased either.

Yep, sure don't...I myself have had prophesies spoken over me that came to pass. Again, you choose not to believe in what Scripture says will continue, simply because you have never witnessed them before, and because you misinterpret the subject in Scripture because you have never done a complete and fully examined study on the gifts. And if you have, then you chose to ignore Scripture and cling to your false doctrine.

I went to this one church a couple of times, and the pastors said they could prophecy. They did say exactly what had been on my mind for a while, it was astonishing how they knew. The part that bothered me most though about them doing that, is why didn't they mention my amazing testimony and talk about that, and, or, why didn't they understand why I had what I had on my mind...it just didn't seem to make me feel that it was from God what they were doing, because it didn't edify me. Do you know what I mean? It was as if they were mind reading, or even psychic, but how do they think that is prophecy?

First off, the word prophecy in the NT means either one of two things, depending upon the context. The word prophetes can mean either one who foretells future events, or one who forth-tells, meaning speaks a message from God as the Holy Spirit speaks through that person. It does not just mean foretelling future events. I have had God speak through me on a number of ocassions...one time I had prepared a sermon, it took me two weeks to get it ready, and 10 minutes into my sermon the Holy Spirit stopped me and took us down another road. While it was cool, it was "unnerving" to have the Spirit speaking through me. That has happened once before, after I got saved, a missionary came back to the states for vacation and stopped by our church. I went in the prayer line and asked for God to give me more. This man put his hand under my jaw and said, "Holy Spirit speak" and my mouth opened and started speaking but it wasn't me...it was my voice and my tongue and my mouth...but not me doing the speaking. That was my first experience with the Spirit speaking through me, but it wasn't the last, being called by God into the ministry.

At any rate, I can not say anything about your experience because I was not there. And again, while there are people out there being stupid and playing church and yelling out at the top of their lungs in tongues, doing what Scripture says not to do, because some abuse the gift that does NOT mean that God has ceased with tongues. Again, both Scripture and real world experience demonstrates that you are wrong on this point. I hope you take that to heart.


They are called charismatic catholics. I used to live in a city where they broke off from the catholic church and started their own church, because the diocese threatened to kick them out if they didn't stop praying in tongues.

This is part of your problem here. Spiritual gifts are spiritual gifts, they all came together, and they all remain together, until they are no longer needed. As I have already demonstrated with a few Scriptures, God has made all of these gifts and offices part of the church, period. As long as the church is present upon the earth, these gifts and offices will continue. Your claim that they have ceased, is nonsense and in direct contradiction to what Scripture teaches. That means...you are wrong on this point. Scripture demonstrates what is true and what is half truths (lies in disguise)...and what you hold to on this point is not truth.

Yes...in direct opposition to what Scripture teaches.

Here you have another kind of problem. People have been raised from the dead, primarily in missions. Smith Wigglesworth is accredited with raising 17 people from the dead during his ministry, along with speaking in tongues and prophecies, healing people of blindness, healing them from cancers, making the lame to walk again, etc. Just because YOU have never seen a miracle like these does NOT mean that they have ceased...it just means you have a very poor and limited life experience. I know of a very trustworthy person who has witnessed limbs growing where the person being healed had no arm or leg, and that was NEVER written about in Scripture...but according to you, because you have never witnessed it with your own eyes, you choose not to believe it happened. I almost feel sorry for you...

Yep, sure don't...I myself have had prophesies spoken over me that came to pass. Again, you choose not to believe in what Scripture says will continue, simply because you have never witnessed them before, and because you misinterpret the subject in Scripture because you have never done a complete and fully examined study on the gifts. And if you have, then you chose to ignore Scripture and cling to your false doctrine.

First off, the word prophecy in the NT means either one of two things, depending upon the context. The word prophetes can mean either one who foretells future events, or one who forth-tells, meaning speaks a message from God as the Holy Spirit speaks through that person. It does not just mean foretelling future events. I have had God speak through me on a number of ocassions...one time I had prepared a sermon, it took me two weeks to get it ready, and 10 minutes into my sermon the Holy Spirit stopped me and took us down another road. While it was cool, it was "unnerving" to have the Spirit speaking through me. That has happened once before, after I got saved, a missionary came back to the states for vacation and stopped by our church. I went in the prayer line and asked for God to give me more. This man put his hand under my jaw and said, "Holy Spirit speak" and my mouth opened and started speaking but it wasn't me...it was my voice and my tongue and my mouth...but not me doing the speaking. That was my first experience with the Spirit speaking through me, but it wasn't the last, being called by God into the ministry.

At any rate, I can not say anything about your experience because I was not there. And again, while there are people out there being stupid and playing church and yelling out at the top of their lungs in tongues, doing what Scripture says not to do, because some abuse the gift that does NOT mean that God has ceased with tongues. Again, both Scripture and real world experience demonstrates that you are wrong on this point. I hope you take that to heart.


Were you the member here that said they didn't believe in being drunk in the Spirit, holy laughter, and falling back in the Spirit, or one of the ones who believes that ?
I understand that you think I am calling you and people like you liars since I believe tongues and prophecies and new knowledge have ceased, but I did not call you all that, but you have no problem with calling me a liar. I think that is a testament to you about you and your walk.


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Were you the member here that said they didn't believe in being drunk in the Spirit, holy laughter, and falling back in the Spirit, or one of the ones who believes that ?
I understand that you think I am calling you and people like you liars since I believe tongues and prophecies and new knowledge have ceased, but I did not call you all that, but you have no problem with calling me a liar. I think that is a testament to you about you and your walk.

No, I have never said that I don't believe in those things on this forum...but I don't. I have been in churches before that did have people doing those things and the Spirit bore witness to me that it was all fake and social nonsense within such churches.

Second, your reading comprehension skills must be affected by medication that you take, because I did not call you a liar...I said you call God a liar by your interpretations that directly contradict what God has said. Please...if you can't read, get someone else to read this stuff to you.

Second, your reading comprehension skills must be affected by medication that you take, because I did not call you a liar...I said you call God a liar by your interpretations that directly contradict what God has said. Please...if you can't read, get someone else to read this stuff to you.
It is you with reading comprehension problems, and in need of medicine.
Here is where you said my beliefs were lies:

Your claim that they have ceased, is nonsense and in direct contradiction to what Scripture teaches. That means...you are wrong on this point. Scripture demonstrates what is true and what is half truths (lies in disguise)...and what you hold to on this point is not truth.
The type of spirit you have is a testimony to your walk.