Well, I personally can't say Jesus is a Jew, because the Holy Spirit (of Jesus and my Heavenly Father) is in me, and I am not a Jew.
In my life, I am guided solely by Love not by any Law. So, I have no special rituals or prayers to observe. And I don't have sacred/holy things, like the Jewish and Muslim temples and books. The only thing that I take care of and protect, at any price, is my soul. Yes, I can't deny that I am somehow selfish every time I feed my soul with the joy of loving some others unconditionally. And, naturally, I am glad I am mortal since the kingdom I am looking for is not of this world.
Dear Brother,
Of the physical birth that is true. You are not a Jew, but you have been grafted in through Abraham through Grace and not the Law which is Spiritual. That is why one must be born again. In Christ when you were born again, and given the Holy Spirit sealed you to it!!! Alleluia! A good read for you would be the reading of Romans Chapter 11. Yes, you are still a Gentile, but you are A Child of the Most High!!!
The rest you have spoken a truth. I also do not have holy objects, or perform rituals, because they either move the focus to the thing, creation, and away from the Creator, or make it an action that loses its meaning over time. The exception I would say is Communion. For it is good to remember the cost, of one's Salvation. Remembering this helps one to remember that it is by Grace that one is Saved through faith in Jesus Christ! If I am not right in Spirit, then I do not partake of it. Which to others raises questions,
they look at me sideways and are left to wonder why I am not partaking as they are. Others do it for many reasons, but are they right with the Lord when they do partake of it? Casting the cares of the World away, that your focus is Him, who gave it all, our Jesus in taking of Communion is a must!
Oh, there are other things as well that are good to do as well. Staying grounded in His Word, prayer, Worship, Assembly, fellowship are also important to a believer's life, but just going through the motions is dangerous to the believer. Better to sit as a bump on the log, and having a talk with our Heavenly Father, instead!!! He will help one if we turn to Him and He doesn't leave you unfulfilled if you ask Him!
It is a joy in loving others! Oh, and yes, we are in this World, but not of it!!! Ambassadors, going about the business that has been given to us to do! At least until He Returns or calls us Home! Alleluia!!!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.