@Elihoenai -- there is but one commonality between Christianity , Judaism and Islam? Abraham is the only thing they all have in common. The Abrahamic Covenant -- all the way to great and great-great grandchildren being protected by God. Abraham and Sarah's child -- by custom of that -- Ishmael through Hagar and Isaac was their own child of Promised of God.
Both Judaism and Christianity have their origins in Genesis.
The descedants of Ishmael became Muslims / settled in Mecca. Isaac in / near Jerusalem became Jews and Christians.
Abraham was a believer / follower of God.
One is God's Word // the other is the Quran.
The Quran Does contain some references to Abraham of the Old Testament because of the Abrahamic Covenant. Which can make it Seem like God's Word -- but the two are totally different.
Islam vows to take over the world -- by force if necessary. Born again believers become martyrs because they refuse to deny Christ when challenged.
If Anything -- the spiritual gift of discernment is telling me that Islam Is NOT God's Word.
And there are Many spiritual gifts given to born again believers -- they are given to help build up the local church. The gift of discernment aids in telling a person what is truly God's Word and what isn't when a person is around various other belief systems. The Holy Spirit will help us recognize faulty doctrine.
Islamic teachings were developed totally differently than God's Word.
And we have John 14:6 --Jesus Christ is tell us that "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father, but by Me." Jesus Christ.
And "Allah" is never once mentioned in God's Word.