A person doesn't have to k ow hoe to read and interpret scripture correctly.
Sorry, Sue, but that flies directly in the face of what Scripture clearly teaches. If you don't know how to read and interpret the Scriptures correctly, then you will lead yourself into deception and believe not what Scripture says, but whatever fills your own carnal mind. Scripture tells us that you are saved by believing the truth...NOT by believing whatever you want to believe...
2 Thessalonians 2:13
But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit
and belief in the truth.
If what you believe is not the Truth, then you don't get saved.
says. "......by which also you are saved...that Christ died for our sins accord to the scripture and that He wàs buried and that He rose again on the third day according to the scripture....".
Are you a calvinist? Because calvinists do that very same thing that you just did...skip the part in your reference that lets you know when you have screwed up...
1 Corinthians 15:2
and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you--
unless you believed in vain.
Guess what...what you probably heard called the gospel might not have been the gospel that Paul preached, particularly if you are a calvinist - then it is a FACT that what you believed was in vain, because what calvinism teaches is NOT the gospel of Christ. Again, if what you believe is not truth, then you are not saved, no matter how sincere your faith might be. God does not save people through believing false doctrine, He saves those who come to Him on HIS terms, not the nonsense claimed by so many people today.
And Romans 10 9-10
Belief in your heart and confessing into salvation.
Yes, indeed...except that what you think Romans 10:9-10 says is not actually what it says when it has been correctly and accurately translated from the Greek:
Romans 10:9-10*
9 because if you profess with your mouth that you have made Jesus Christ your Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved.
10 Because with the heart one believes into righteousness, and with the mouth he makes a covenant promise taking him into salvation.
The word some translations render as "confess" is the word
homologeo, which can mean, depending upon its use and grammar, either assent to, consent, admit, concede, confess, acknowledge, profess, or to enter into a covenant accord through oath/promise; in this verse it takes on the meaning of 'to profess.' The phrase, "have made Jesus Christ your Lord" means that you acknowledge Him as your Lord - that is, as having the right to rule over your life because you have made Him your Lord and Master. It does not just mean the cursory "He is Lord" but goes well beyond that statement of truth, no person is saved without making Jesus their Lord and Master. In the way that
homologeo (see note above) is utilized here by Paul, he implies the same as Peter does in I Pet. 3:21 - a covenant oath or promise to walk in obedience to God. Thus, we have translated it accordingly.
No one gets saved (or "keeps" their salvation) if they do not receive water baptism into Christ, because water baptism is a covenant oath sign signifying that you have made a covenant promise to walk in obedience to God in the covenant. Since salvation is a covenant gift, given ONLY to those who are in the New Covenant of God in Christ. Simply believing and confessing with the mouth is not what Paul says or intends, neither is it what Scripture teaches on how to get saved.
Accepting that God's Word is truth.
Kind of...that is the first step, but it is altogether different when we are talking about reading and understanding what Scripture says. God's Word is true, but if you believe that God is a giant chicken because Scripture tells you that He has wings and feathers, then you don't understand what Scripture says, and that means that you don't have TRUTH. Again, if what you believe is not God's truth, then you are not saved according to Scripture.
That Jesus Christ is God's son.
Yes, that Christ is God's Son according to the flesh, and Yahweh Himself as far as the Spirit within Christ. He is Yahweh in the flesh.