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SignUp Now!Do you think he actually wanted to taste it out of his own free will, or did he cave in to Eve's pleading and taste it?
Only the woman believed the Serpent.They believed Satan's lies
Sin and death entered the world only thru the male rather than thru both the maleSin entered the world through them.
I think it does, because God looks into the heart and examines the motive. In the first scenario, Adam’d rather listen to Eve than to God, that’s willing disobedience, he was already questioning God’s instruction, there’s malicious intent; in the second scenario, he’d rather listen to God than to Eve, but he did what he believed was wrong out of his love for Eve, no malicious intent, just weak character, cracked under pressure.Does it really matter? The fact is that they listened to Satan rather than obeying God.
Hello @B-A-C,This gets into soul sleep. But that's another discussion for another day. For sake of argument, let us say you are right. They are simply "dead". No more physical activity, no more mind activity at all.
I suppose I would be willing to concede that much. But a day will come... when both the righteous and the wicked will be resurrected.
* No, it was not an unknown concept. For Paul in Acts 24:15 pointed out that his countrymen believed in a resurrection of the dead. As did Martha in John 11:24: and the O.T. saints in Hebrews 11.John 5:28; "Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice,
John 5:29; and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.
Acts 24:15; having a hope in God, which these men cherish themselves, that there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.
The word resurrection isn't in the old testament anywhere.
It was an unknown concept it seems. However in the New Testament, it's mentioned quite a bit. ( Over 40 times )
* No, Praise God! They will not stay that way, they will be raised: Some to face judgment and the second death, and others to life everlasting.1Cor 15:13; But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised;
1Cor 15:14; and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain.
When does this happen? On the "last day". (There are different interpretations of what that means).
John 6:39; "This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day.
John 6:40; "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."
John 6:44; "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.
John 6:54; "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.
So it may be.. that you are correct, they are simply "dead". But they won't stay that way.
A lot of thing were revealed in the New Testament, that the prophets of the old testament never knew.
FAQ: Was Adam's disobedience a Hell-worthy transgression?
According to Gen 2:17 it was a death-worthy transgression rather than Hell-worthy.
In other words; the proper penalty for Adam's mistake was simply his loss of
immortality; and of course loss of access to the tree of life too. (Gen 3:22-24)
Hello @Beetow,The way I figure it: seeing as how God is an intelligent, mature adult (so to speak)
who's never petty, nor capricious, nor biased, nor fickle, nor impulsive, nor
unreasonable, and takes no kind of sick pleasure in causing people harm; then God
must be just as stuck with Hell and can't make it go away with any more ease than
we can.
For reasons I have yet to even guess, Hell is unavoidable even for God because it's
somehow the right thing to do; i.e. it has to be utilized for punishment in order to
satisfy a level of justice that our limited little minds may never be able to fully
• Ps 145:17 . .The Lord is righteous in all His ways
Hi there! Been a while since I last posted here, how are you? I just wanna pointed out that try to see God as the creator first - who is OUTSIDE the time-space continuum we’re living in. He loves us who are created in his image, with his character, as his joy and pride, that’s why we address him as the Father. Hell, as in the lake of Fire, is not for us, but for the corrupt “sons of god” in Ps.82:1, Gen. 6:3, etc, they chose Satan over God and led nations to sin, therefore they will be burning in hell.The way I figure it: seeing as how God is an intelligent, mature adult (so to speak)
who's never petty, nor capricious, nor biased, nor fickle, nor impulsive, nor
unreasonable, and takes no kind of sick pleasure in causing people harm; then God
must be just as stuck with Hell and can't make it go away with any more ease than
we can.
For reasons I have yet to even guess, Hell is unavoidable even for God because it's
somehow the right thing to do; i.e. it has to be utilized for punishment in order to
satisfy a level of justice that our limited little minds may never be able to fully
• Ps 145:17 . .The Lord is righteous in all His ways
Subject heading:- What to expect in hell?
Hello there,
The problem with this subject is that we all have differing views as to what hell is, and it's purpose.
I believe that hell is the place of the dead, where a dead body rests in the grave, and goes back to the dust from whence it came.
I do not believe that the Scriptures refer to hell as a place of eternal conscious punishment.
Only the power of the resurrection can raise the dead, and quicken them into life.
So all that can be expected in hell or the grave, is unconsciousness and the corruption of the flesh.
Thank you
In Christ Jesus
The real problem with this subject is that we all have different definitions of SOUL - nephesh in Hebrew and psyche in Greek. In the bible it simply means "life" or "living creature" without any connotation of immortality or eternity it has in English. Without a clear understanding of that, it's a waste of time to discuss what to expect in hell, since we can't even reach an agreement on what potenially goes to hell.The problem with this subject is that we all have differing views as to what hell is, and it's purpose.
I believe that hell is the place of the dead, where a dead body rests in the grave, and goes back to the dust from whence it came.
I do not believe that the Scriptures refer to hell as a place of eternal conscious punishment.
Hello @KingJ,Your belief would fall under 'annihilationism' as the wicked would cease to exist.