Greetings PJ
Not sure as I quite understand this. When we die or, possibly Raptured, we will most definitely be spirit, nothing physical will remain, right? It is only logical to me that once there in the spirit realm, God's realm, there is no time and space as we know it. The closet thing I see in scripture about time is: 1) 2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. (2) Jesus said he is the Alpha and the Omega...God says we will gain all of his inheritance, so, in the spirit world with no time / space limits, we will also be the beginning and the end at the same time. And, (3) we are already in heaven: Ephesians 2:8 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. So, for me, spiritually, we are already in heaven and when we physically die, the spiritual journey will be where is the "fall"?
I agree RJ, when we die, as born again believers, we go to Heaven, we will be in Paradise, we will be spirits at this point, our earthly body that was made from the dust of the earth returns back to the dust of the earth. We remain spirits until we receive our resurrected bodies on the new earth, resurrected earth.
Taking your item 3 above and the example on my previous post...
So in this context we have three stages
- HEAVEN (Adam and Eve and God on earth prior to the Fall) - NO SIN
Now. An Intermediate Heaven (Still Heaven but not as God planned) where born again believes go when they die. Mankind separated from God due to SIN
HEAVEN reclaimed (when Jesus Returns and defeats the devil and we are with Him forever) - NO SIN
I then said, There is more to Heaven than this but didn't continue.
The middle period above NOW, I called for example the 'Intermediate Heaven', though I did clarify my statement that, Heaven is Heaven and this is just trying to define the difference between the three periods from what is stated in The Word.
The difference is that Heaven was God and man on earth, sin free, Heaven will be God and man reunited, but at present, now, the intermediate period, Sin separates mankind from God.
But those who are born again, who have received the Holy Spirit in their hearts, have already received a piece of Heaven, it happens when the Spirit enters our hearts here on earth in this intermediate period as I called it.
There are examples in scripture to confirm this but lets take the Lord's Prayer, the believers Prayer, the disciples creed. Thine Kingdom come, Thine will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
In this wonderful prayer, Jesus starts by sharing the Father, He doesn't say My Father, He says Our Father, because as believers we are adopted into His family. Everything Jesus did pointed to the Father in Heaven, His Father, Our Father. He then points us to where the Father is, in Heaven, and that His Name should be Hallowed. This gives us a glimpse of Heaven, then the prayer changes bringing Heaven down to earth to us as we pray, as we ask, Thine Kingdom Come, Thine will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. What is it like in Heaven? Holy, peaceful, glorious, full of light, full of grace and truth. Whilst on earth, once we accept Jesus into our hearts, He lives in us, we already experience a piece of Heaven, it is already started here on earth.
And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. So, for me, spiritually, we are already in heaven and when we physically die, the spiritual journey will be where is the "fall"?
As I understand it brother, Spiritually Heaven has already come down to us. When we die as born again believers we remain spirits until Jesus returns and the devil is defeated and we receive our new resurrected bodies.
The Fall brother was long ago in the Garden of Eden, when sin entered the world we live and the curse was put on all the earth.