Thank You again for responding to my post. I really appreciate the opportunity to learn about your faith. And thank You for responding so kindly and for Your wisdom. I am just going to post one more time about - NON FORUM _ related content and then I will stop consuming up so much space. I honestly only posted out of topic - to relate to You how the subject of mistranslated verses are found in other topics and subjects and theologies and doctrines in the Trinitarian Translation.
This is the best way I know how to explain - I will do my best to answer why I am saying what I am saying - I will only post again if there are any more questions and will stay in tune with the topic of the forum – that is only respectable.
Before the 15 th century, –
no Bible Translation ever even existed in any language on the planet - except for only the Latin / Italian translation from The Catholic Church. But The Catholic Church did not produce this translation until nearly 500 years after Yahoshua and then waited until 1582 to make a Bible into any other translation on earth.
However, there was a Jewish man named " Saadia Gaon " lived in Iraq / Babylonia from 882-942 AD - living under Muslim rule. He was a student at Bagdad, Iraq. - Saadia Gaon worked on His Arabic Bible translation in Egypt and also in Bagdad where it was revised and many, many words were changed and inserted that radically differed from the original manuscripts.
These facts can be found here &
The Bible and Interpretation - Saadia Gaon’s Bible Commentary and Translation
" Saadia Gaon " was a Jewish Scholar who lived under Islamic Law and Islamic Rule. Everything He did had to be approved by an Islamic court of law. " Saadia Gaon " began production of an Arabic " NEW TESTAMENT " Bible, but it was never completed. And scholars have noted that His Arabic Translation was filled with many errors and deviations away from the original manuscripts and produced an Arabic Bible that was worded in favor of the message of the Quran.
He was translating for an Islamic society - and the Muslims had no concern for translating it correctly – and they had never translated any of the Bible themselves. It was like a comedy or a joke to Muslims - but they pretended to be interested while He worked on it... . And the Muslims never copied it nor circulated it. When they found this Arabic Bible in the 19 th century - they needed two hours just to decipher just two lines of the translation. It was like working with a secret code that no one understood. The dots which ordinarily distinguish various letters of the Arabic alphabet were omitted and were mostly unreadable and filled with errors throughout the translation.
This corrupted translation also had used the word " Allah " to mean Yawhea / God. While living in an Islamic Country in Iraq - the translator " Saadia Gaon " was a student at Islamic schools and he would never come to finish and correctly translate nor COMPLETE nor circulate the transition. This Arabic Bible Translation of 867 AD - only contained parts of - the Pauline Epistles, plus the book of Acts and the General Epistles. This rest of the manuscript volume is missing and may be lost forever OR DESTROYED, OR NEVER TRANSLATED -
This Arabic Bible was never known to have existed and was only discovered - in the 19th century at Saint Catherine's Monastery / Saudi Arabia. This is called = The Mt. Sinai Arabic Codex 151 ( of 867 AD )
And this very same exact atmosphere and very same circumstances’ -is what all people who attempted to translate the Bible in Muslim Lands / Countries and also in Trinitarian Governed Europe and elsewhere.
The Roman Catholic Church politically and religiously controlled all of Europe, England and all other Catholic kingdoms around the planet until the Reformation began when England and parts of Germany completely broke away from the Catholic Church and began spreading protestant religion.
And the Protestant Government / Protestant Kings and Queens of England were no different than the Roman Catholic Kings and Queens. They as well banned the Bible translation.
Not only, non - Trinitarians were prohibited to translate the Bible but all people in Europe were also not allowed to translate the Bible and there was not even a complete Bible translated into any other language until the 15 th Century. This is nearly 2000 years that it took for the Trinitarians to produce a Bible Translation. While outlawing, banning, criminalizing any form of " ANY " Bible translation whatsoever. Trinitarians literally so hated the Bible being translated for the common people to read - In England, it was even illegal to say The Lord’s prayer in English - people were burned - at the stake for saying The Lord’s prayer in English. In 1517 seven people were burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church for the crime of teaching their children to say the Lord’s Prayer in English rather than Latin. - - This is why they were burning and torturing and imprisoning people just before they produced the " TRINITARIAN " translation ( Concerning the very translation ) itself being translated by others.
Even after the KJV was produced in 1611 - the Trinitarians still continued to drive people out of England and Europe and expel and persecute people who thought different religious ideologies than they. Many, many Pilgrims and Puritans and Quakers left England because they could not legally exist while being separated from the Church OF England - they would be killed, persecuted and tortured and reduced into nothings of society. They sought to separate from the Church of England; --- King Charles the 1 st and many other Trinitarian Kings - would threaten them with harsh punishments if they did not obey the Church of England in religious faiths and doctrines. Most of them starved to death and died of diseases and other related deaths. Many of them died coming to America.
To the Church OF England - this was just a small, little, tiny, necessary and needed change in their society that really never mattered or affected the entirety of the body of society. This was their attitude. And their attitude when they made their translation.
And this was just in England alone. What about the Millions of total victims throughout Europe who suffered at the hands of the Trinitarian Governments. This is why it took the Roman Catholic Church nearly 500 years after Christ to produce a Bible into the Latin / Italian language and why they waited until nearly 2000 years after Christ to make the Bible into any other language on the entire planet outside of Latin / Italian. - while butchering, murdering, slaughtering and persecuting others for their faiths that contradicted their established faith and doctrines.
There were no bibles being translated - it was a death penalty or a prison sentence or Your life was completely destroyed - This is nearly 2000 years after Yahoshua - that it took for there to be a single known Bible translated into any language anywhere on the planet - outside of Latin / Italian, - alone...
Robert Barnes was a protestant reformer who was holding a position as lower level superior - at The University of Cambridge in England in the early 1520s.
As head, Robert Barnes, worked to translate The St. Paul's epistles into the English language - because there had been had no English Bible - because the Catholic Trinitarian Kings would not allow England to have an English Bible translation. Robert Barnes was arrested for working with Miles Coverdale and placed on trial before the Trinitarian court. - - Robert Barnes was given a punishment and sentenced to be publically humiliated by - being made to do public penance by carrying a fuaggot ( a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel. ) to Paul's Cross. Robert Barnes continued onward trying to get the Bible translated and was sentenced to be burned alive at the stake. Robert Barnes escaped and was later re- captured by the Trinitarians and was burned alive at the stake along with two other translators / helpers - found with him.
The Trinitarian Pope worked with the English King and issued an edict that the English Bibles should be burned and the printing presses stopped. Some completed sheets were seized, but Miles Coverdale saved others translation pages. Miles Coverdale was exiled from England’s cities three times and was forced to move from location to location - running to save his life.
This is not even a fraction of the torment, persecution, terrorism and violence that Trinitarians have committed against people for attempting to translate the Bible- I have extensively read most of the history - I know how much Trinitarians absolutely are completely revolted and un delighted about the idea that the Bible being translated as it was transmitted in the original manuscripts. - - William Tyndale was burned at the stake. Jan Hus was burned at the stake for attempting to make a Bible translation.. Van Liesveldt was arrested, charged with heresy and put to death for attempting to make a Dutch Bible. - - John Wycliff’s dead bones were dug up by the Pope and The Pope had them burned and His ashes thrown into the “ Swift “ river
Trinitarians were the dominant military, government and only power that was empowered and dominating - and the only authority. It took the Trinitarians nearly 2000 years to produce a single bible into any other language on the entire planet - outside of a dead, useless and limited Latin Language. And this incomplete, perverted Latin translation was missing whole chapters and was not even finished even after 500 years after Yahoshua - the Roman Catholic Church still was making edits and changes and revising this only existing Latin Bible translation - into the 6 th century. With these facts and also many other facts that I have not mentioned – how could there be chance or expectation that The Bible be translated by Non Trinitarians ?
- Millions of people have been slaughtered, butchered, burned alive, terrorized and massacred for believing a faith that differed from the Trinitarian governing political powers. And banning women from being prophets, leaders and commanding them to be silent in the Church -
Here is another Trinitarian Translation - Here in
Heb 12:28 is says that = we may serve God acceptably with
reverence αιδους
But the same exact Greek word is ( the same ) = ιδους
G127 also in =
1Ti 2:9 women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with
shamefacedness - αιδους
G127 .
The Trinitarians invent words to create a hostile and downcast view for the environment involving woman in the church.
Women are to have
shame facedness ? - - or are they to have
reverence ? The Greek word means reverence and they use this word to mean reverence in all other verses - but when it comes to women - they change it to say
shame facedness ...
1Ti 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with
reverence and self – control ; not with gridded hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
:10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
1Ti 2:11 Let the woman learn in
silence “
quietness “ with all subjection.
This is not the word
Σιγάω - sigaō - silence This is the word meaning peacefulness and quietness / quietly - meaning { not making a lot of noise } G2271 - quietly - ἡσυχία - hēsuchia - hay-soo-khee'-ah - Meaning = stillness, that is, desistance from bustle or language: - quietness. “ No loud and noisy talking while learning. “
The Translators CHANGED the word to
silence – when the Bible says that women who are leaning about God are to learn
= “ quietly “
This is not the same Greek word “
SILENCE “ that we have been discussing the word “
Σιγάω - sigaō - see-gah'-o To keep silent ( - keep close (secret, silence), - This has absolutely nothing to do with being “
SILENT “ - The translators correctly translate the same exact word - to say “
quietness “ - in 2Th 3:12 the disorderly people in church are to worship in “
quietness “ and they work, and eat their own bread. But the word “
quietness “ has nothing to do with women here in - 2Th 3:12 - they change it into the word
silence when it involves women.
The word = “
quietness “ G2271 - ἡσυχία -
hēsuchia - hay-soo-khee'-ah - Is The Feminine / FEMALE - of the Male G2272 - ἡσύχιος -
hēsuchios - hay-soo'-khee-os
These verses below are how this word is used,
2Th 3:12 The disorderly in the church are commanded that - with “
quietness “ they work
1Ti 2:2 Kings, and all in authority -- may lead a “
quiet “ and peaceable life .
1Pe 3:4 a meek and “
quiet “ spirit
It has nothing to do with being “
SILENCE “ and not opening your mouth and not speaking. - The translators changed the word to say - “
SILENCE “ only and every single time it involves “
women “ - but every single last time in the bible when it does not involve woman - they translate it correctly as = “
quietness “ meaning = peaceful and calm.
We see that the Translators already begin - in 1 st - Timothy Chap 2 - to create a sexist version of the message
In - 1Ti 2:1 - The word for “
mankind “ is G444 - ἄνθρωπος -
anthrōpos - anth'-ro-pos –
anthropoid. The original Authors are using the word - anthrōpos / - to indicate mankind and both male and female – yet the translators add the word man and assign it a male sex.- calling all of mankind as a “ he - sex “
Again as we see - 1Ti 2:1 = I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all
MANKIND - again the word is = ἄνθρωπος -
anthrōpos - not – males only. - AND also - VERY - IMPORTANT
= 1Ti chapter 2: - is speaking about woman - who are beginning their learning experience in Yahoshua. And the Trinitarian translators have so completely perverted – so completely distorted and changed, and altered the Bible - by creating
a totally sexist rendering of the text, by changing the all of the words
meaning ---- - “ ALL OF MANKIND “ = into the
male sex ( ONLY ) - that by the time that the reader gets to verse – where it says :
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to dominate the males, but to be in “
quietness “. - The reader is completely obvious and totally misses the whole context - to the fact that Paul was
only speaking and
commenting -on / about – concerning - the subject of the women
who just beginning to learn about God - and Paul is only relating to the previous verse
1Ti 2:11 Let the woman learn in “
quietness “ with all subjection. :
SAYING - 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor dominate over the males ( WHO ARE TEACHING ) , but to be in “
quietness “. Explaining how women are to “ LEARN “
The whole verse - :
12 - is completely ripped completely out of its entire context. Paul was speaking about women who are beginning and LEARNING - they are not to be loud, noisy and dominating over the men around them and are - not to be teaching the men around them. We see that women are prophets, and are speaking in tongues.
Gal 3:26-28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male “ AND “ female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Act 2:17 and your
daughters shall
prophesy. - There is
not a single verse in the Bible that says that woman are to be completely “
silent “ in the church. -
outside of the verse about speaking in tongues. -
Addressing Males and Females - to do the same.... The other verses are Trinitarian mistranslations - the Greek word is “
quietness “ s
tillness, from bustle or loud talking. - and “ No loud and noisy talking while learning – no dominating and teaching the men around them - if they are learning ..... The chapter is “ ONLY “ in the context of - the men and woman who already have learned and who are teaching women - who are learning about God. Paul was saying that while he was teaching – he did not allow women in church to act this way while they were in the learning process - this is what the whole verse is about.
Why would anyone trust the Trinitarian Translations - when they know who the Trinitarians were – when they incorporated / integrated their translations. The early TRINITARIAN Translations from the 15 th century - were made up of “ the victims and their murderers “ - this was the birth and origins - of the translation that we have today. The majority today are Trinitarians because there was no translation for nearly 2000 years after Yahoshua. - -
Here we are today, just only
500 years - into a world
- of even “ having / possessing “ a translation
- in our
own language
- after,
over 2000 years have gone by - and millions have been murdered by Trinitarian governments attempting to force their theologies, doctrines and ideas about God upon others. We have only had a translation - for about 500 years. - I do not see the Trinitarian miracle.
How could someone
even ask or question upon the matter – with the easily obtainable knowledge that we possess about these facts ?