And You, pretty much refuse to acknowledge how horrible hell is now for those non-believers who are there - their physical bodies are dead - their spirit is very much alive.
Please quote scripture that makes you think hell is horrendous.
And those people will eventually be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone. And you brush off the description of hell like it's no big deal. The rich man who was there was wanting Someone / Anyone to go to his brothers and Warn them to stop their evil way of life and turn to God.
The rich man was not in eternal hell. He was in Hades, a waiting place. It would be possible I guess that in such a place demons run amok and controls over the facility not be properly in place.
They are weeping and gnashing their teeth
I quoted Luke 13:28 in my post above. If you read the whole verse you will note the reason they ''weep and gnash their teeth''. Regret. They look up and see a good God with repentant sinners. They look sideways and see demons and unrepentant sinners.
Matt 8:12 talks about utter darkness.
As does John 3:19. John 3:19 is a verse that actually describes darkness according to God's terminology. It says people love the darkness because their deeds are evil. So, darkness is simply the word God uses to describe a place where evil is. I take that as its meaning until someone can show me a
scripture that has a different explanation of 'darkness'.
Have you ever experienced Total darkness. Can't see your hand right in front of your face. I have. And years ago there was a Cave in Iowa -- was a tourist attraction. Underground ice crystals were all over the place. Beautiful. There were handrails with a path that everyone followed with a tourist guide. And there was also a gift shop. At one point when we were deep down inside those caves, the guide told us that in a moment -- all the lights would be turned off for 30 seconds. We were to hold on to whatever was right next to us. There were always lots of people on those tours -- but when those lights were turned off -- it was Total BLACK -- those 30-seconds seemed like Forever. And when they were turned back on -- it was even more beautiful than it Had been.
This is a classic example of the exact reason I am so upset with Christians miss-representing hell. You seem to think your opinion, experience and bad dreams are valid references for hell.
In hell -- non-believers think it will be a picnic -- no believers around to spoil their fun. They can party and have a blast -- no God around to spoil everything. But they don't realize that God Is Truly the light of this world. Without Him -- there is NO LIGHT. Total darkness. And it last Forever. And a person combines that with the future lake of fire and brimstone. That being the Real environment Forever -- it would be a lot like living in a bbq pit. Live hot coals.
Please quote scripture.
And, yes , I Have researched all of it.
Many like to think they have. You need to research the Creator of hell ''before'' you state facts from some research of a vastly unknown 'creation'.
And Then we will experience a wonderful peacefullness that has never been there before. And That is because the Holy Spirit is 'now' indwelling us.
You would be at peace in heaven with a belief that your God is burning people alive in fire for all eternity?
Imagine it being your child that you love so much. They 'just' don't make the cut. We know there is a fine line! 1 Pet 4:18 is crystal clear on that. So, you believe the difference between someone who '''just''' makes it into heaven over someone who ''just'' doesn't make it is eternal burning in fire and with that in mind you will be at peace in heaven for all eternity.
Unless you're one of the people who believes that a person will be burned up and won't have to suffer for very long.
The bible says eternal. God is a good God who gives true free will to all. What is true free will if rejection of God is literal death? Annihilation fails terribly on a logical argument. But granted it is a better belief over eternal torture.
In Real life -- in a fire -- a person usually dies of smoke inhalation Long before the fire actually gets to them. Not really much suffering at all. Except for breathing all that junk into your lungs as you're dying. But people who've been rescued From fires Do tend to have lung problems for a Long time after that. And they Probably suffer from PTSD because of the circumstances surrounding the fire. Some kind of accident has caused the fire. And a person gets to have bad dreams about the mess and it Does affect a person in very negative ways.
Yes, correct. I have explained death by fire here many times in defense of what God did to citizens of Sodom. It was certainly not an act cruelty. It was a necessary removal of wicked, done lovingly and mercifully. I feel you will be agreeing with me on hell soon if you continue to acknowledge facts like this with respect to God's wrath.
But we're talking about a situation that's Meant to be horrible -- punishment for the three entities - satan - and whomever the beast and false prophet end up being. They will have been Purposely misleading / Lying to people about God / eternity. Everything. Getting people to end up in those horrifying conditions on Purpose. Because They know that there is a wonderful eternity with God and heaven that will Also last Forever and They can't be part of it.
Please stop making assumptions. Quote scripture.
If you want to discuss logic. Consider this.
1. The devils know what is coming. Yet they chose to fall from grace despite having that fore-knowledge.
2. Not once has the devil ever accused God of what is coming being too harsh or unfair.
Can you imagine a Christian having a chance to speak to Nero before Nero throws them on pikes. Do you think their conversation will be like the one the devil had with Jesus in the wilderness. Do you think Nero would honor the request of any Christian as Jesus did with demons when they asked to enter swine?
3. What Christian who is told by God to love their enemies Matt 5:44 would ever consider eternal horrendous fire as a fitting punishment?
4. God would be a hypocrite if He does something to His enemy, that we Christians with His renewed mind would never do! God is not a hypocrite. Fact.