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SignUp Now!Hell is the present place where non-acceptors of God's salvation are when they die -- it will always be an 'enemy'. But it's a destination that no one really Needs to go to. -- for eternity-- there will be the lake of fire an brimstone. Forever.
Jesus clearly says not everyone will be in heaven, but only those who do his Father's will. And how He will reject those who don't.1Co 15:21 "For since by man(Adam) came death, by man(Jesus) came also the resurrection of the dead."
1Co 15:22 "For as in Adam ALL die, even so in Christ shall ALL be made alive."
1Co 15:23 "But EVERY MAN in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming."
There is a purpose that what happens between these 2 verses is left out. Consider a time frame of several thousand years right here.
1Co 15:24 "Then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power."
1Co 15:25 "For he must reign, until he hath put ALL ENEMIES under his feet." All enemies are not put under his feet until after at a minimum the 1000 yr reign as Satan is released after this time for the gathering at the battle of Armageddon.
1Co 15:26 "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." Why? (Because ALL ARE MADE ALIVE AS THIS DEATH THAT MAN (ADAM) BROUGHT IN AND MAN (JESUS) REVERSED, IS FINISHED!!!)
Does anybody actually believe that what Adam did in disobeying God carries more weight than what Jesus' sacrifice bought the entire human race? Such that the majority of mankind burn in hell forever because Jesus' sacrifice was not enough to pay for their sin of unbelief?
Is it not written that "HE TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD?" What sin is left then to cause condemnation of those that were not chosen by God to a part of the first fruits?
Anyone want to reconcile these verses with their concept of hell and it being an eternal torment considering that the spirit of every human ever born came out from God.
Ephesians 1:4 "According as he hath CHOSEN US IN HIM before the foundation of the world......'
Psalms 82:6 " I have said ye are gods; and ALL OF YOU ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH." King David and Paul saying the same thing about 1,100 yrs apart
Consider for one minute that the lake of fire is nothing more than a repeat of what you now see on earth.
Consider also that every thing that is thrown into the Lake of fire exists as it does now including death and the grave (i.e. the SECOND DEATH). If people are going to need a grave then they will have to die. Where is the eternal torment in dying? Why do we need the Beast(Government), the False Prophet(false religion) Unless people will run those institutions. Why Satan? Unless there is a continuation of the Mystery of Iniquity that we are all partakers of today which is what causes our maturing unto near perfection.
Who makes himself responsible for drawing ALL men unto his Son Jesus? Is it not God?
Scripture states that ALL MEN are justified unto life and that ALL are to be made ALIVE in Christ.
How is this to be reconciled with the majority in an eternal hell, where God is apparently roasting his own children according to todays view?
Or is it possible that once every eye hath seen and every knee has bowed and every tongue confessed that Jesus is Lord, and they see the great riches that God hath
bestowed upon the vessels fitted to mercy (the first fruits) that there will be a serious weeping and gnashing of teeth simply because they were not CHOSEN to be part of the first group, they missed out according to Gods wisdom.
God decides the order in which EVERY MAN comes to LIFE through the Son and EVERY MAN will come to LIFE when HE is done. Otherwise DEATH is not destroyed!!!!!
Quit reading the verses as though they are physical as Jesus already told us that his words were SPIRIT AND LIFE. NOT DEATH AND DESTRUCTION.
Lastly I would ask one little question: When Hell is no longer an enemy, where are all the souls that are supposed to be there?
Jesus talks about eternal death. Soul death. Annihilation.1Co 15:21 "For since by man(Adam) came death, by man(Jesus) came also the resurrection of the dead."
1Co 15:22 "For as in Adam ALL die, even so in Christ shall ALL be made alive."
1Co 15:23 "But EVERY MAN in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming."
There is a purpose that what happens between these 2 verses is left out. Consider a time frame of several thousand years right here.
1Co 15:24 "Then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power."
1Co 15:25 "For he must reign, until he hath put ALL ENEMIES under his feet." All enemies are not put under his feet until after at a minimum the 1000 yr reign as Satan is released after this time for the gathering at the battle of Armageddon.
1Co 15:26 "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." Why? (Because ALL ARE MADE ALIVE AS THIS DEATH THAT MAN (ADAM) BROUGHT IN AND MAN (JESUS) REVERSED, IS FINISHED!!!)
Does anybody actually believe that what Adam did in disobeying God carries more weight than what Jesus' sacrifice bought the entire human race? Such that the majority of mankind burn in hell forever because Jesus' sacrifice was not enough to pay for their sin of unbelief?
Is it not written that "HE TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD?" What sin is left then to cause condemnation of those that were not chosen by God to a part of the first fruits?
Anyone want to reconcile these verses with their concept of hell and it being an eternal torment considering that the spirit of every human ever born came out from God.
Ephesians 1:4 "According as he hath CHOSEN US IN HIM before the foundation of the world......'
Psalms 82:6 " I have said ye are gods; and ALL OF YOU ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH." King David and Paul saying the same thing about 1,100 yrs apart
Consider for one minute that the lake of fire is nothing more than a repeat of what you now see on earth.
Consider also that every thing that is thrown into the Lake of fire exists as it does now including death and the grave (i.e. the SECOND DEATH). If people are going to need a grave then they will have to die. Where is the eternal torment in dying? Why do we need the Beast(Government), the False Prophet(false religion) Unless people will run those institutions. Why Satan? Unless there is a continuation of the Mystery of Iniquity that we are all partakers of today which is what causes our maturing unto near perfection.
Who makes himself responsible for drawing ALL men unto his Son Jesus? Is it not God?
Scripture states that ALL MEN are justified unto life and that ALL are to be made ALIVE in Christ.
How is this to be reconciled with the majority in an eternal hell, where God is apparently roasting his own children according to todays view?
Or is it possible that once every eye hath seen and every knee has bowed and every tongue confessed that Jesus is Lord, and they see the great riches that God hath
bestowed upon the vessels fitted to mercy (the first fruits) that there will be a serious weeping and gnashing of teeth simply because they were not CHOSEN to be part of the first group, they missed out according to Gods wisdom.
God decides the order in which EVERY MAN comes to LIFE through the Son and EVERY MAN will come to LIFE when HE is done. Otherwise DEATH is not destroyed!!!!!
Quit reading the verses as though they are physical as Jesus already told us that his words were SPIRIT AND LIFE. NOT DEATH AND DESTRUCTION.
Lastly I would ask one little question: When Hell is no longer an enemy, where are all the souls that are supposed to be there?
Jesus talks about eternal death. Soul death. Annihilation.