There is no such thing.
There are varying degrees of demonization, and i've had experience with several different layers of them.
I think that a christian generally knows when they are being influenced by a demon where as someone who is not saved, they do not know.
As for my wife after salvation she could see them, but not before, but in the midst of those matters her mind also underwent some very fundamental and radical changes, changes that academics either don't believe are possible, or they are too afraid to try, or it is impossible to initiate without prophetic knowledge, as such I cannot declare for certain that she could see demons only after salvation. It is very well possible that part of her mind could see them and another part could not, and those two parts were not communicating nor did they trust each other. As for what she did to let them in, at age 3-5.. she has those memories and knows what she did. The woman responsible for facilitating the environment at that time (bringing energy healing into the public school district).. we may actually meet her next month.
As for myself, i was participating in witchcraft as early as age 6 with a woman who was demonized, 18 years later she and I had a relationship again and 5 years after that i started praying for her, casting 7 demons out of her over a 3 year time frame. Her life substantially improved far as i can tell, and during that time when we crossed paths in real life she appeared to respect me and wanted to talk to me, where as before 2017 she would turn and walk away quickly. she had contracts with spirits and as of early 2020 she was still not saved but had begun trying to cast them off and break those bonds.
in 2021 I thought all that was over, but some spiritual harassment still persisted, and i met a guy online who told me part of her mind was trapped in mine and part of mine in hers. Maybe this was his attempt at describing what he saw as a so called soul tie. But anyhow, took me a few months to consider it, but after i started praying about it as if it was true.. i did get some unique new and also very damning information out of whatever it was that was influencing me for 25 years. I tend to think that man was right. But, how i won that war was to convince this "spirit" (whether it be human or demon i don't care).. i convinced it to die and go to judgement and Jesus would forgive it. and it did.. and i had a long term, persisting to this day.. somewhat almost permanent psychological change, for the better. So i messaged that man online nearly a year later and told him i got rid of her spirit by convincing it to die and he was NOT happy to hear that. i'm like dude.. if God accepts her request to die.. that's on God.. she has no place to go! i don't want part of her spirit residing in me and she can't return to the rest of her mind because.. she's condemned according to her!
so i don't know if i was possessed/influenced by part of a human spirit for 25 years but it sure seems like it.