Not believing in creationism and not being born again by accepting Christ makes you non-Christian.
I was also taught this by my parents and Pastor, but let's keep in mind that the latest Gallop poll shows that only 40% of Americans believe in creationism. A literal interpretation of the Bible is dying out because the evidence for evolution has become too overwhelming. 38% of Americans believe God guided a process by which humans developed over millions of years from less advanced life forms. So, does this mean that less than 40% of Americans are actually Christian? Are Christians now the minority?
Our job as Christians is to spread the messages, regardless of if no one listens or not. Atheists can never answer our arguments. They can't explain why the universe shows such design
Design is an illusion. Let's look at your argument. You see complexity and therefore there must have been a designer. That's the rule, right? But surely God himself is complex, right? Correct me if I'm wrong on that. By claiming that God does not require a designer, you have made the rule "complexity requires a designer" fall flat on it's face and become worthless. Either complex things need a designer or they do not. You can't have it both ways, which is what you are trying to do. So which is it? Does complexity require a designer or does it not?
Science cannot prove or disprove the existence
of God. In fact, science cannot deal with this question. God
according to definition is beyond the NATURAL. Science only
deals with the natural. There can be no argument here.
Science does not attempt to disprove God. How would you suggest one go about trying to disprove something that doesn't exist? Can you prove to me that Peter Pan does not exist? That's a ridiculous request for me to make, right? Well, replace Peter Pan with God and tell me why the request is any less ridiculous.
Survival of the fittest is beyond question. It is the second part of
the theory that has no evidence. Either in the fossil record or in the
observable realm. This is the reason why the theory of evolution
is still a theory.
What do you mean still a theory? A theory does not just mean someone's idea. Evolution is both a theory and an accepted fact. It is as much a fact as the world being round is a fact. I'm actually more sure about evolution than I am a round earth. Evolution is a fact supported by mountains of evidence. More evidence than any person could go through in a life time. Fossil evidence. DNA evidence. Scientists have even witnessed evolution with their own eyes. I know this is not a Catholic forum, but even Pope John Paul II in 1996 said in a speech basically that evolution is now an accepted fact and that one can be a Catholic while also accepting that we evolved from apes, and indeed, we are apes.
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children (humble), you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven." (MT 18:3 NIV).
My response to that would be that the Bible also says (1 Corinthians 13:11) When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Again, hopefully no one takes offence to any of that. I figure since the thread is called "Dear Atheist" and not "Dear Christian", you'd want to hear back from us so you can better understand why we think the way we do. I've tried to be as respectful as I can. I saw "Dear Atheist" as an invitation to us, and I have refrained from posting in other parts of the site because I figure that wouldn't be too kind of me and I wouldn't have much positive to contribute.