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I was a lay minister in the Methodist Church too, and I had a dream to leave in a flash. It was over the gay clergy and women preachers.I think many by now are familiar with both sides of the argument. So I won't share that any of those perspectives in this post ( I may later).
Ultimately we need the Holy Spirit to help us interpret the Scriptures. Some things are pretty clear, (do not commit adultery), and other things
require a bit more study and wisdom. In the end, on many of these debated issues, I think a strong personal relationship with God helps as the Holy
Spirit will lead us into all truth.
John 16:12-15 New International Version (NIV)
“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth
. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it
is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine.
That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”
I can't speak for how God communicates to anyone else but for me and my family, I'll share that God often speaks to me in dreams.
Prior to coming to this country from Liberia, West Africa in 1980, God sent a dream to my mother about the war, prior to the war starting.
On a dream we obeyed and fled the country (before the war started) and we were saved.
God has sent my mother dreams when I was a child, doing certain things I wasn't suppose to do, and she confronted me because God had revealed
it to me in a dream.
God also directed me to the job that I'm at now, through a dream, and I started writing a dream journal in 2014 to better study my dreams.
I will often ask God to reveal certain things to me in dreams and that night the Lord sends me an answer, mostly that very same night.
With that said, I recently just left the United Methodist Church (where I was Pastoring) because they are now allowing same-sex marriages. I was praying for
God's timing, and after the General Conference God directed me that now was the time to step away, even though some of those changes
won't go into affect until next year.
I say all this to say that this week I asked God to send me a dream about this issue and what was his position.
I received a dream, and in the dream it was myself and two female members of the church, non of which were Pastors
but both has roles of educating and at times preaching a sermon from the pulpit. My interpretation of my dream
was that the Pastor was to be a man exercising authority in the church as scripture prescribe, yet women can be
gifted to carry out such task under the guidance of a male pastor.
Obviously this was my personal dream and I'm not putting it on anyone as I don't know where each person's personal relationship
with God is. But for me, I know how God speaks to me and has spoke to my family since I was 8 years old. So this is what I'm receiving
as the answer to my question combined with my personal study and reading all your replies.