Again, he says repentance is the FRUIT of faith.
He says obedience is the fruit of faith.
He says justification is by faith alone.
Do you believe a person is saved when they are justified?
Please answer that question.
I believe that we are:
saved from the penalty of sin,
being saved from the power and sin,
and will be saved from the presence of sin.
So to your question, if someone is saved when they
are justified. Justification is the work of Christ, not our work.
Justification comes only through the work of Jesus, not through
what we do or how hard we work at at. If Jesus justifies you,
yes you are saved.
The problem is we can't see into the spiritual realm, we don't know
who is saved or whose profession of faith is genuine or not. But if
one truly believes and this faith is saving faith, yes, they are saved
and justified at the same time.
I see the speaker saying it as the two go together.
Yes, he mentions a sequence, but I don't see it as being separated.
A plant bears fruit because I plant a seed. Yes the seed comes before
the fruit, but the two are inextricably connected. The fruit is already there
in seed form when the seed is planted in the ground.
I see it as going together. Working in tandem.
Jesus will not justify those who don't repent, and
repentance by itself does not justify you.
Judas repented of his evil and give back the money, but He didn't
put his faith in Jesus and hung himself. Judas even mourned and said
that he had betrayed innocent blood. He had sorrow, but not unto life.
So once again, they go together, the seed of faith and repentance.
One's repentance does not justify them apart from faith, just as Judas' repentace
did not justify him. Likewise Jesus will not justify those who have not repented.