I see you still don't get it. Let's try this a different way:
1. Do you believe the crucifixion took place on the 6th day of the week? Yes or no? If no, stop here; this topic doesn't apply to you. If yes, go to question two.
2. Do you think the "heart of the earth" is referring to the tomb or at the earliest to the moment when the Messiah's spirit left His body? If no, stop here; this topic doesn't apply to you. If yes, go to question three.
3. Do you try to explain the lack of a 3rd night by saying that the Messiah was using common Jewish figure of speech/colloquial language? If no, stop here; this topic doesn't apply to you. If yes, go to question four.
4. What examples then are you using to legitimately say that the Messiah was using common figure of speech/colloquial language, i.e., examples where a daytime or a night time was for forecast or said to be involved with an event when no part of a daytime or no part of a night time could have occurred?
#1 -- by '6th' day of the week -- it depends on what day of the week you consider to be the 1st day. The 4 Gospels tell us that He rose again on the 3rd day. In other words He wasn't simply a religious teacher of that day who died. His rising again on the 3rd day proved that He was indeed the Son of God. In fact -- Gospels say - on the 1st day of the week, After the Sabboth, very early in the morning. And, actually it Does matter what Scripture says, rather than what you or I want To believe.
#2 - His body was placed in the tomb like every other body was placed. Since He was here on earth as 100% human and 100% deity -- His 'job' was to die / not fainting / on the cross and Then going to hell In our place -- which He did -- and be in Paradise / the other part of Abraham's bosom/ to bring back with Him those who'd already died having put their faith in His Future actions /// all of which is in Scripture.
#3 - Why the need For Asking the 3rd question. You're hung up on "using common Jewish figure of speech / colloquial language' -- even underlining the 'common'. Why are you centering on that?
#4 - Why look for examples OF that.
I'm surprised that you're not looking for 'more' examples of a virgin birth having actually occurred to legitimize the Fact Of the mother of Jesus having been a virgin when she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
Scripture tells us that 'as Jonah was in the belly of the 'big fish' for three days and three nights -- so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for that same amount of time.
Either a person has faith in God's Word being accurate or they don't.
And it Can be compared to the birth of a baby. Any part of the day or night that the baby is born is considered as their 1st day of life.
In Genesis -- the evening and the morning were the markings of 'a 'day. Any part Of that would be considered part of 'that day'.
What is your point in asking this question? To de-legitimize Jesus Christ as the Son of God?
There Are those who won't accept the baby Jesus as the promised Messiah. So , If it could be proved that He wasn't dead long enough or didn't actually die -- then He would not be legitimate -- and that His 1st coming is yet to come when He comes back to stand on the Mt. of Olives to have His earthly reign here for the future 1,000 yrs.
So -- I would submit that you're asking that question Might be undermining some important doctrine.