Calm down, the problem right here I see, is the “translation” of the text. There are many lack of information Bibles of good translations, Many Christians, don’t understand that. A good translation Bible will make that clear. When we see “GOD” in all caps it means something different when we see “God” with beginning cap but finish in small letters, when we see the term “Almighty God” it means something else, when we see all caps in “LORD” it means something else, and when see “Lord” or Capital “L” small cap o,r,d., notice small caps in last three letters it means “Jesus the son of God”. Many bibles we read will not address this issue that is in the Original text. A Good Bible, no matter what translation it is will address this issue. This is one of the reason that can cause us as brother and sisters to not agree upon many issues that will distract us from going further with one another. Satan is all ways busy, He is our enemy. And most of the time he uses the word to do it.