God's Truth
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God the Father comes to us as a Father, a Son, and the Holy Spirit.What is John talking about? Here below is John the Baptist's testimony as reported by the apostle John;
Now look at confirmation from the gospel of Mattew of the 3 Witnesses of the Son as God being sent from Heaven.
Jesus is standing there after being water baptized, that is one Witness, the Holy Spirit alighting on Him like a dove as the 2nd Witness, and the Father speaking from Heaven regarding His Son as God is the third Witness.
That is the three that God reveals Himself to us.
God the Father really also at the same time as being in heaven came as a son in the flesh, and, the Spirit that comes forth from Him---it is still His Spirit.No one person can serve as three witnesses by His words, and so there are 3 Witnesses within the One God for how as the Triune God, God establishes a testimony and how God judges any one.
The Spirit is still JESUS.
I can prove it to you with even more scriptures except you aren't ready for them, for you don't even reply to the truth that there is ONLY ONE SPIRIT but YOU SAY NO there are three DIFFERENT SPIRITS.
Look at the scriptures that say there are one Spirit and then admit you go against it and say there are three different ones.
The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and never SEPARATE. They are never different. They only same and do the same thing.Jesus reaffirmed and taught it in the N.T. when correcting any brother in error or in a trespass.
Even for establishing a true witness.
So for everything that Jesus has said, the Father & the Holy Spirit are each separate Witnesses from Jesus in making what Jesus has said as a true witness.
I read in the other thread your false beliefs and teachings about Paul and his teachings!Paul reaffirmed and taught the same thing when establishing a testimony or judging any one since it cannot be done by one person.
God is one not three DIFFERENT. God is revealed to us by three. Again, that is because God the Father is in heaven, and, WHILE REMAINING in heaven, He also exists in JESUS as the Father's PHYSICAL SELF, and, the Father also remains in heaven WHILE being able to be everywhere and in many at once by His Holy Spirit that He sends forth from Him.When we see how God created man, He did it in creating man per the Word of God's request to the Father in being plural and yet when in agreement to that request, as the One God, the Word of God created man after His image and after His likeness thus establishing a word or a testimony in creation.
There are three, but the three are ONE God, ONE SPIRIT, ONE BODY. NOT three DIFFERENT Persons, as you believe and teach.We can see the same when God judged the people at the tower of Babel as the Word of God made the request to the Father & as the Triune God, to go down and scatter the people in confusing them by giving them different languages.
The Hebrew word " Elohim " for God in the English language is plural and so from the very beginning since the creation account, God has been a Triune God in how as the One God He had established a word in creation & had judged any one.