Looking for Job
Job 14:14,15
- Job is waiting for death!
- And he will wait for God’s call!
- And God will long for the work of his hands!
- But for that a strong relationship is necessary!
- Why should God remember us if we are strangers to him?
- How do we remember people who died?
- Because we have had a special relationship with them!
- If there is nothing, we can’t remember them!
- Why do we say that dogs are the best friend of man?
- Because we can develop a special relationship with them!
- How many people abandon their dogs?
- Many!
- Here here we can think about mankind’s reality or real nature!
- In every direction we can see only trash!
- Yah.weh is so different!
- Another reason why we have to develop a special relationship with him!
- Being a friend is one thing, being a stranger is another one!
Job 14:14,15
- Job is waiting for death!
- And he will wait for God’s call!
- And God will long for the work of his hands!
- But for that a strong relationship is necessary!
- Why should God remember us if we are strangers to him?
- How do we remember people who died?
- Because we have had a special relationship with them!
- If there is nothing, we can’t remember them!
- Why do we say that dogs are the best friend of man?
- Because we can develop a special relationship with them!
- How many people abandon their dogs?
- Many!
- Here here we can think about mankind’s reality or real nature!
- In every direction we can see only trash!
- Yah.weh is so different!
- Another reason why we have to develop a special relationship with him!
- Being a friend is one thing, being a stranger is another one!