Looking for Job
Job 17:10
- What a fighting spirit!
- Job is down mentally and physically!
- But he keeps fighting!
- And he tells his opponents that they are not wise!
- They can say whatever they want!
- It won’t change anything!
- Their speeches are empty talks!
- And for him, it is an obligation to tell them again and again!
- He has nothing to lose, nothing to win!
- He is not afraid of telling them the truth!
- He tells them what he thinks he has to tell them!
- He speaks directly and frankly!
- There is no hesitation!
- That’s the way he does it with everybody!
Job 17:10
- What a fighting spirit!
- Job is down mentally and physically!
- But he keeps fighting!
- And he tells his opponents that they are not wise!
- They can say whatever they want!
- It won’t change anything!
- Their speeches are empty talks!
- And for him, it is an obligation to tell them again and again!
- He has nothing to lose, nothing to win!
- He is not afraid of telling them the truth!
- He tells them what he thinks he has to tell them!
- He speaks directly and frankly!
- There is no hesitation!
- That’s the way he does it with everybody!