SuzanneA: "I am studying the End Times Prophecy. I thought I was a Pre-Trib believer, but then I studied the Post-Trib viewpoint and now I am confused. I can see both sides of these two beliefs. I understand that Clarence Larkins brought in the Pre-Trib theory. Is he legit?:crazy:
Suzanne, I believe that if you will study every topic in the Bible the way that you seem to be studying the "Rapture" you'll do just fine. I am pretty certain that a lot of people never really listen to or try to listen to more than the very first view they ever hear about something Biblical, and I'm sure that sometimes they are even taught that one view on something and further warned by the person teaching them that they would definitely be in the wrong, or doing something foolish, to let anyone else tell them anything different than what they were just taught on the subject etc. Seems more like brainwashing to me, trying to control the information that another person could take in so that they MUST believe one way about something rather than allowing them the freedom, or the free will ( if you will ), to hear all the facts of the case, or in this case the various ways that one could interpret said verses etc, before drawing their own conclusions. The teacher-person may somehow believe that they are only doing what is best for the person, keeping them safe somehow, but is it kindness that is taking place or is it something more like manipulation, control? I could sit here and tell you what I believe to be true about the coming of the Lord, or the "Rapture", and I could try my best to assure you that I have studied every angle on it and know that what I believe is solid truth about the subject, but I would prefer, for your sake, that you read on your own about it and listen to every argument you can hear on it and make up your own mind.
I have given some of my own opinions on the subject in other threads on this site. Read everything you can find on it. Take your time. Honestly, I believe God wants to see if we are willing to put the work in. You know what I mean? The Bible COULD have been written with much clearer instruction, right? So, why wasn't it? The Bible is full of stories about the ways that God tested people, right? I believe the Bible to be another one of those tests. He wants to see how patient we can be, how interested in Him we really are. All the verses that seem to contradict one another? They've caused a lot of people to steer clear of the Bible, or outright attack it. Everything seems to be a test. He that endureth unto the end shall be saved.