Every verse you mentioned is concerning Jesus's second coming to earth, and has nothing to do with the rapture. It can be argued that the four Gospels, which are primarily concerning Israel, never even mentions the rapture (maybe john 14 1-3 does), but only the Second Coming to earth.
There will be a resurrection at the Second Coming, and I believe it will involve the Old Testament Saints, and those who were saved and martyred during the tribulation. I have doubts that the Old Testament Saints will be part of the resurrection that happens at the Rapture of the Church, but only those who are part of the Church age. Let me ask you, how is someone a part of this Church age? It is by Spirit baptism , , and when did that begin? It began at Pentecost in . Many, including myself, believe that is the Birthday of the Church age as we know it today.
Many people don't realize it, but the four Gospels are still mostly Old Testament because a New Testament doesn't begin until the death of the testator . We see that white sheet of paper in our Bibles that says "New Testament" just before the book of Matthew, but that is not when it begins. Much of the four Gospels is under the law, and concerning Israel. If we fail to distinguish between Israel and the Church, then we will think all Second Coming and Rapture passages are one and the same. I understand the middle wall of partition was broken down in this Church age, but it wasn't like that during the four Gospels , and God will once again continue his program with Israel (which is what Daniels 70th week is all about) after the Rapture of the Church. That's why sounds so Jewish when it speaks of "then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains." and "But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath" ....its not because it all happened in 70 AD, but its because its gonna happen in the tribulation when God resumes his program with Israel after the Rapture of the Church.
Hey are you blind ?
To say the 4 gospels isn't for the church is herise. St. John 6:53&54
Jesus is referring to the church here or do you thing he was talking about, his real blood and his real flesh
And if you don't eat his body and drink his flesh you have no life in you
His body is the church
And the Spirit is the blood
1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Are not we all partakers by his body ( the church) Have we all not been made to drink in to one Spirit
Did you not read St John 6:54 do you not know what he meant, do you thing he was talking about.
Have you not read this verse Mark 13:37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, watch.
St John 17;whole chapter this is his prayer in the garden
Verse 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
Verse 20 Neither pray I for these alone; but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.
Now Jesus didn't pray that we would be taken out of the world, but kept from the evil.
So you pray all you like that you will get ruptured out it still won't happen, cause that what Jesus wanted.
I like the way you pull scripture from Isaiah to try to prove something you been taught.
But when I use scripture you come up with accuse .
Like I said before you will add what you have to for you can keep you believes.
And now you will even try to take away The 4 gospel from the church
Just to hold your believes
Besides you can show one verse in the word that says the church is leaving before his coming. Not one , and I challenge you to show me with out it being his coming. And you sure can't show rapture.