No I'm not. I'm calling into question a false claim, about the early church.
@MedicBravo is arguing that the early church must have used violence otherwise it would have been eliminated.
He is wrong, and I wouldn't want anyone else reading this thread to be misled so I have asked him for an example. This will make his error clear for all to see.
In the new testament the teaching of Jesus and the apostles is entirely nonviolent.
The church in fact was non-violent, and grew quickly due to the power of the gospel and the remarkable witness of Christians. Many were martyred, many, many more came to faith and salvation in Jesus
Tertullian, a prominent leader of the church at the time said, "the blood of martyrs is the seed of the church".
And yes, if the situation arose, and if God gave me the grace and strength, it would be better to die than to be violent.
It's not me telling people what to do. I'm just repeating whate Jesus said, "do not resist an evildoer."