Are there any born again people in the Military, or in Law Enforcement?
Seven Facts About Human Governments:
1. They were instituted by God (Gen_9:1-7; Rom_13:1-6; 1Pe_2:13-17).
2. Their purpose was to execute criminals and enforce law and order among people (Rom_13:1-6; 1Pe_2:13-17; Gen_9:6; Isa_11:4-9; Isa_65:20; Dan_2:21; Dan_4:17-25; Dan_5:21).
3. It is the duty of Christians and others to help establish and support human government for the preservation of society and promotion of the highest good of man (Rom_13:1; 1Pe_2:13-17).
4. Governments were instituted to govern by force and to punish, not only local and individual criminals, but also universal and national criminals. This includes execution of war to put down criminal nations as well as criminal individuals (Rom_13:1-5; 1Pe_2:13-17; Dan_2:21; Dan_4:17-25; Dan_5:21).
5. Christians are not to leave popular government up to the ungodly. To neglect good government is to neglect the salvation of souls. Promotion of public and private good is one of the greatest means of saving souls (Rom_13:1-6; 1Ti_1:8-10). Christians should vote and enter public life to promote good government so that the gospel will not be hindered and stamped out. Both reason and experience, as well as the Bible make this obligatory upon all. Since government is necessary for the best good of all, it is the duty of every Christian to help bring about the best government to secure this end.
6. Human governments, therefore, are not founded upon the arbitrary will of God, but upon the needs of humanity in securing their highest good. If in a small family, law and penalties are needed, how much more are they needed in communities, states, and nations. If government needs reforming, then let the Christians bring about such reforms. If they require nothing contrary to God, moral obligation, and the conscience, and if they meet the needs of those governed, they should be perpetuated (Rom_13:1-6).
7. Upon the grounds of the best public interest, it becomes the duty of human governments to use all necessary means to attain this end. It is absurd to believe that rulers have the right to govern and not the right to use the necessary means to carry on good government. Such error or belief causes many Christians to object to the right of capital punishment, the right to deal with mobs, to suppress rebellions, and to make wars on criminal nations. When a person sells himself to destroy the best good of others, it becomes necessary to take him from the society he seeks to destroy. In such cases it becomes necessary to deal with individuals, and nations to enforce law and order for the best good of all. It must be both the right and the duty of government and all its subjects to use every necessary and possible means to suppress rebellion and enforce respect for law and order. Rulers are God’s ministers to execute God’s wrath upon the ungodly and preserve moral law and government for the good of all (Rom_13:1-6; 1Pe_2:13-17).