This is only a “snap shot” the terms and words “Tyndale” created for the Bible we use. There was no Greek words for these terms or English words.
God gave “Tyndale” the gift of Languages! So we could have the Bible in “All “ our languages! Notice I said “All” from the Hebrew text to the Greek text.
As David Daniell, the author of the latest biography of Tyndale, writes, “
William Tyndale gave us our English
Bible” and “he
madea language for England.” “Jehovah,” “scapegoat,” “the salt of the earth” and “Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and ye shall find.
These words and terms are not par se of the original language. By me stating these things to you, means nothing, unless you know the Biography of such men, and how God used them, through pain and struggle, lost and “martyrdom”.
Most of us has no idea the price that was paid to have the “Word” of God” that floats across our lips, sometimes with the “Greatest of ease.” Let us be truthful with one another, time is growing nearer than we think. Time out for “BarberShop” Theology”. God has provide for us easy “access” to “excavating” materials to dig deep into the truth of His word By internet. Why? the same reason He had to send the “Reformers” of their time. Because a lot of “Ministers and churches “ don’t know the truth or don’t want the truth or are hiding the truth or the cares of life has choke the truth or just plain darn lazy. “And if the blind leads the blind”. “And a little leaven, leaven’s the whole bunch”.
Those who have read the whole books of “Ezekiel “, Jeremiah, and Isaiah. On a number of times, knows that I am telling the truth. And Gods know how they have use the book of “Malachi” with great distortion. You must read entire books of the Bible not verses! You must get the truth for yourself and your love ones! “Shalom”. Don’t count on no one, to present the “Truth” of God’s” to your children your love ones and your spouses! And you must do it in love!
This is a old saying that is laying and dying, “prostrated in the street”. “Love begins at home, then it spreads, abroad”. Love, forgives when it has been , done wrong, love is kind, when it has been abused, love is gentle, when it has been refused. “Love begins at home and spreads abroad”. The time has come, many brothers and sisters in Christ, love, have grown cold.