Hi, first, Shane, dear brother, the things you wrote here don't really make much sense, you're right.
Yes. Jesus is with me day and night.
Can you honestly say the same?
not being rude but coming to a christian website and talking about jesus doesin't necessarily make you christian.
Ever since I have become chirstian, i have been ONE with the lord.
I never sin.
The lord is all around me.
You may say, what is he talking about, he thinks he is christian? He doesin't make any sence.
Can you truly say you are a christian?
Don't think you can sin and then ask for forgiveness.
God knows what is in your heart.
This may not go for all of you, but for the majority. ???
This thread is about tattoos, so let's keep it that way. I am glad you love Jesus, please show the readers of this thread this love of yours.
Can I ask a question Shane?
Do you think your words here glorify the Lord, or you?
Can you use words here to witness to Christ? Is it possible to witness here without words? Surely, from what you are dictating, you don't need to write anything here to spread the word... you see, words are a thing in print, they paint a picture of our thoughts that others might see them and if we use them to bring glory to the Lord, then it is His doing.
Also do you have any scripture in your home besides what is written in your Bible? Like a picture on the wall or something? Have you never read or seen anything that has made you think of Jesus or God, or give Him praise?
You know, it's a shame.
People need a tottoo now to think about the lord..
It's pretty bad when you need a tattoo to remind you of what jesus did for us.
This really upsets me.
Jesus would rather see you remember him in your heart not from a tattoo. Shane, I think Jesus would rather see us loving one another with a pure heart... I don't think He is too worried about tattoos or your or my opinion of them.
As for the tattoos, I was just saying that people don;t realise anymore what being a christian is all about. Evan thugs or gangster wear crosses all over their bodies and think the lord will forgive them everytime they kill someone.Do you know this, Shane? And, how many have you corrected and led to the Lord?
But again, you can say what you whant about me now, but i think you all know i am right.
You probobly all have somthing negative to say about me now but keep it to yourself please. Shane.... do unto others as you would have them do unto you, brother.
Shane, you are loved by the Lord, as is everyone who reads this. You have been fearfully and wonderously made, and the Lord is gracious towards you and me and all others who call upon Him. Bless you
Now, please let's stick to the subject.
We can all find reasons to justify or condemn. But whether or not we are into tattoos or not, Jesus is into people, and loves someone not because they have or don't have tattoos. Remember this. We love Him because He first loved us.
By all means save some. I know that we don't need a tattoo to witness to Jesus. I also know that having one can help break the ice. The ice that is so hard and cold because people are left to die while others bicker over useless and vain things.
Now, consider this, a man covered in tattoos who visits the sick, visits those in prison, feeds the hungry and clothes the naked, AND a person without even a little tattoo (or ear ring) who claims to have done all sorts in Jesus name.To who is Jesus going to say, "Well done!"?
What if the woman who saves a child from drowning in the churning seas has tattoos all over her back and arms? Would we thank her at least?
I do not recommend anyone get a tattoo, and as far as whether or not I have one, that is God's business, if He cares to tell you, BUT, for all those who mock and judge people with tattoos, it is not your place to judge. IT is the Lord's place, and we ought not steal from Him...eh?
Scripturally, our bodies are made up of dust, will perish and by grace alone will be renewed. Except for a few, all bodies thus far, have, if they lived long enough, grown weak and wrinkled, and died/expired. Tattoos or not.
I thank the Almighty God of Jesus Christ the Lord that He does not fuss over bodies, but is the LOVER of my soul...and yours.
Bless you ...><>
Br. Bear