I have read through 90% of this post, trying to understand why so many of the people that are replying are using biblical text literally. I have my ears pierced, there is nothing wrong with that. God wouldn't give us the ability to pierce our ears or wear earrings if it was bad or wrong. Getting a tattoo isn't wrong either. Why in the world would God give man the ability to do tattoos if it were wrong? I mean, if it were, why do we color our hair? Or color our nails? Or shave? Or put on makeup? As someone who has been "raised in the church" and as a 17 year old I feel like I have a different insight than most adults. I think that most of you are over the age of 21, I don't know, but my point is is that you shouldn't take it literally. I saw that someone said that "It's has Pagan roots", if that is so, that doesn't mean that it's right. The Pagans weren't the only ones that had tattooing. Egyptians did it as well. If I get a cross tattooed on my back, I am by the way, or if I tattoo my late Grandfather's name on my rib cage, I am doing that as well, it isn't something that is seen to be bad. Now, if I get a naked man on my back or anywhere on my body, then yeah, that's not right. But even in some cases, it's art. The human body is art. God made it and it is beautiful. If a teenager is reading this post, if you chose to get a tattoo make sure that you're doing it for all the right reasons, and nothing you would be ashamed of. And just so you know, Leviticus was the OLD Testament. I would think that because we are in the world we live in, it would be better to focus on the New Testament, though the Old Testament has its uses. However, the Old Testament is just a foreshadow of what is to come in the future. I know that I will most likely get a lot of backlash from folks, but I feel like I'm right. I feel like you should open up your minds. Getting a tattoo won't send you to hell.