Brother plowboy the truth is it's been going on for 2000 years and Jesus said it would. In Acts 20:29.30 he said "For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves." This is what happened not long (relatively speaking) after Jesus' death. If you check it out you will find that first century Christians did not believe in a trinity, but the wolves were already there trying to mislead them and by the 4th century they had come up with the trinity doctrine.
You might find this interesting: (Deleted)
I Have retired 1977- 2015-2017, I do not want anymore of other peoples thoughts, I am tired and worn-out, Jesus is enough. and I do not want anything else, But I do thank for the the offer, I m tired of men and all of there religious thoughts and the thousand and upon thousand of different kind of teaching about about christianity. Lord knows I am tired. these people are killing me daily..
And the only comfort I get when when I obey Him in This manner, so much comfort and Joy:
Colossians 3 BSB
1Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
[my happiness and Joy is right here while I am waiting on earth for his return or death takes me, for I am ready , just like my mother, to leave from here" what a glorious day when I die and leave from here]
I do not want to hear another teacher, instructor or another sermon, or read another Book, but the Bible. it is s such a great torture to be here in this world by knowing about the next, phrase That is in Christ Jesus. "Testimonies by individuals are great to me" I love them, about Eternity and Sanctification in which is Our Inheritance. I do like other's testimonies about "Our Eternal Inheritance " O' Sweet JESUS, Glory .....Hallelujah . I am get fired up Now, O Sweet Jesus, Glory , when I get to talking About Eternity that which is far past "Heaven" I get worked Up, and My SOUl Catch The HOLY FIRE, and My Rockets go into another stage of Flight, like the Bible states " in the Twinkling of an eye! I am Gone! Can't no Church, no body of believers, no teacher, no college , no sermon, can do me Like JESUS, and He takes me There! He is not dead He is Alive in me! and The Father there is no other like Him, even those cannot Match Him in His Glory Manifesting In My Soul. for there is None like him.
Philippians 1:21 KJV
American Standard Version
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
[and I can hardly wait} just like my mother who Rejoiced with Praise When I told her she had cancer and was going to die, The hospital doctors and nurses, and Chaplins said they have never seen anything like it. "I am going home" I am so happy I do not know what to do. and me and her Praise her way and embrace death as a "Gift from GOD" Our Father into eternal LIFe, when He sounds The Horn. By Mama .I will see you at the sounding of The Horn, when The dead in Christ shall rise 1st. and I will meet you in the air.
Now this does not mean, that I will not hear another's proclamation about something, But I am an old tired old man who have not took a break in proclaiming God's Truth for Almost 50 years straight, with out a break. I do not move unless he says so, I do not desire to serve Him, "a dispensation has been given to me, too" Like many others. A person has to be out of their mind, to go in the name of Jesus! "The Via Dolorosa"
It is time to go Home.