Or you could be under reacting. It would depend on who you are reacting to????
I would ask.
Where in the bible can a person find the doctrine of wondering, suffering, wondering, marveling in Limbo for the younger sinners and Purgatory for the more mature sinner?
Teaching the queen mother of heaven named after Mary our blessed sister in the lord alone received the fullness of Grace . . .complete cost of salvation. . while the rest of the planet an unknown amount of saving grace. Therefore, doing despite to the Spirit of Christ's Grace
The Bible informs there must be heresies as differences in opinions amongst us . The unseen understanding of faith Chrsits's labor of love come by hearing the eternal living word . . not seeing the temporal dying.
In that way there can be oral traditions of dying mankind as long as they do not do despite the fullness of grace the whole cost of salvation . Making the need of Limbo or purgatory without effect
2 Peter 2:1 But there were f
alse prophets also among the people, even as there shall be
false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in
damnable heresies, even
denying the
Lord that bought
them, and bring upon
themselves swift destruction.