Great --, your a theologian ,,--so was my late husband. And I've been a student of the bible for many years. So you're suggesting that if I dont include baptism by immersion a part of salvation that I would be teaching flawed doctrine.
No, I am not suggesting that, I am stating that as a Biblical fact.
Well I was baptized about a year after having accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. So you're suggesting that if I would have died during that year that I would have gone to hell. I will take a moment to share a situation that took place many years ago. There was a young lady who visited her grandparents during the summers. One year during a vbs week shbe accepted Christ bas her Savior. She'd gone back to her parents house and told them about it and that she wanted to be baptized. Her parents were Lutheran and she'd been sprinkled as a baby as believed that was all that was necessary. If she still wanted to be baptized when she turned 18 that was up to her. That was many years in the future. So are you suggesting that if she'd died in those years until then, that she would have gone to hell? Because her salvation was not complete? People who accept Christ on their death bed can't be baptized. Surely they aren't doomed to hell.
An uncle of mine had put off salvation his entire adult life. And then he was diagnosed with was finally willing to accept Christ and immediately had a hunger for God's word. Was never able to get baptized though. His nephew led him to the Lord. His regret was that he'd put off salvation all those years cause "now " he wanted more time to read and learn. And I know I'll see him and that young lady. In heaven some day.
Your bias is blinding you. You have not listened to what I said. I will repeat it for you, please try to listen this time:
According to a strict reading of Scripture, according to the over 300 passages of Scripture addressing salvation, they can almost all be summed up in Acts 2:38 (but not 100% because this verse does not mention faith - because there was no reason to mention faith since in the context, the people HAD come to faith in Christ, which was why they asked Peter what they needed to do in order to get saved)...
Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, "
Repent and
be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
So, even according to this verse, if you believe but do not repent, but get baptized, you are not saved. If you believe, but do not repent or get baptized, then you are not saved. It takes all three according to Scripture, and the rest of the 300+ passages that address salvation all say one or more of the three above.
If you husband WAS a legitimate theologian according to the fullness of what that means, then he should have taught you the basics of theology: God does NOT contradict Himself, EVER; ALL Scripture must be harmonized with all other passages addressing the same subject matter; the FACT that God gives His revelation in Scripture PROGRESSIVELY, not all in one place on any one subject. There is no one chapter on salvation, eternal life, or spiritual death...there is no one chapter teaching the complete doctrine of grace, faith, or spiritual gifts - there are many, scattered throughout the NT Scriptures.
What does that mean? It means, regarding the present discussion, that Romans 10:9-10, John 3:16, Acts 16:30-31, Ephesians 2:8, Acts 2:38 and all of the others that address getting saved MUST be brought together and read as a whole in order to come to the FULL and COMPLETE doctrine of salvation. When you fail to do that, and only take (again) 2 or 3 verses out of those 300+...
then you pervert the doctrine and it is no longer the truth but half-truths that lead people into hell.
Again...if the person wanted to be baptized, but her parents (because of the false doctrine they believed) refused to let her receive baptism, then it was out of her hands and God would NOT have condemned her because of her parent's actions. Deathbed conversions generally cannot receive water baptism - again, if the person cannot receive it because something prevents it, like the thief on the cross, or coming to faith in Christ out in the middle of the desert where there is no water, etc., then God will NOT hold that physical limitation against them. If He did, then He would NOT be righteous.
But we
know that God is righteous and just - God is NOT legalistic, but He IS legal. He sets the rules, not you or anyone else. When His Word CLEARLY states that one must receive water baptism into Christ in order to be saved, then that is EXACTLY what He says and what He means. Yet again, He is righteous and just.
I was in law enforcement for 25 years as my secular job. If your break peddle got stuck when you were driving your vehicle, and you couldn't stop your car and went speeding down the road because you couldn't stop the vehicle, then I would not be righteous or just if I gave you a speeding ticket, would I? It was something that took place that you had no control over. So is it with God,
THE righteous and just God. So I ask, dear lady, please stop only looking at what I said with a divided eye, seeing only what your bias says is right - because most of the time, what our bias tells us is wrong.
Blessings, and Happy thanksgiving.