For one thing-- Hagar was Sarah's handmaid not Abraham's wife. It was customary in those days that if a wife could not bear children that she could have her maidservent go into her husband to have children for her.
She did that in spite of God's promise to her and Abraham that they would have a baby of their own. She didn't believe that she would in fact have a baby at her age. So Ishmael was born through Hagar and Isaac was the son that God promised them.then..
And at some point after Sarah's death Abraham did remarry Keturah and they had six children together. There is no mention of her age. And you're sounding very crude so I won't continue with this post.
Humans alway has and believes in "Folk-Lore" for a personal gain. Always Hidden motives.
But GOD's Word has Relaid The Importance concerning His plan Despite of The man.
How is
Hagar related to Abraham
Hagar is a biblical character in the book of Genesis.
She has an important role as wife of Abram/Abraham and mother of Ishmael. As such, she is an important figure within
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In Genesis 16, she is introduced as an Egyptian slave woman who belongs to Abram's wife Sarai, But Yet became A wife and so Rudely Treated and was Showed No Mercy where There was none to be Found, But GOD. And when you have not found Mercy and been Greatly Abused, And you and your Child has been Thrown in The Streets, I dare You To Called on "THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY" He Will send His ANGELS to See about you!
"they that call upon The Lord will be Saved" I do don't care if You are A slave in the Streets and your Mistress Throws you Out and Your Child. .....Call Him, Call his name! whether you are a "SLAVE" , Egyptian, Arab. gentile or Jew, Call Him, whether a "Navajo', "Apache" or a "Cherokee' when they Abuse You "Call him" and Call Him By name; "JESUS" I know of many have Called on that Name, When men have Rape them, Rob them, beat them, Stolen from them and They gave them more, to The Thieves. and they never report any thing to The Police or "Sheriff's", I Have know in My Life True Christians That I could never match up too! Laying down their lives even for the unGodly!
and winning some to Christ even in these ways.

How can you lay down in the Lion's den and be eating alive, How can you stand there and be cut to pieces in The Name of JESUS. How can you be rape and still witness to your very Rapist in The Spirit of Love, witness about the grace of GOD.
No, I am Not the same like people I know since 1979 three years after I Got "Born from Above" and went To "Bible College" of "The Reformed Faith" Calvinistic they were. I did not say they were "Calvinist" I said "The Reformed Faith and Calvinistic they were" not Calvinist.
New King James Version
Abraham again Took A Wife, and her name
was Keturah.
New American Standard Bible
Now Abraham took another wife, whose name was
I do Believe that God is not A fool and He knows The deceitfulness of "humanity" his Ignorance in always Proving "GOD" WORDS are False In any Way He Can. With all of Their
"Religious and Three-card Monte Ways" and To Prove themselves Right.
Abram became Abraham and God Had it wrote down in The Book!
Sara became Sarah and GOD had it wrote Down in The Book!
Hagar name was Hagar and God had it wrote down in The BOOK!
Keturah name Was Keturah and GOD had it Wrote down in A
And for me
"PloughBoy" it is Good enough for me.

And Religious "Fore-Lore" means Absolutely Nothing to me, I got The "66 Canons of Holy Scripture" and The rest I do not care. I got enough to do what I have to, In The Name of The LORD Sent By "THE GOD ALMIGHTY"veering not to The Left or The Right I GOT MY ORDERS:
And that voice is Still Echoing throughOut Time, and it found, a place upon my being, wrap up and folded, and Place a Creased upon my Soul.
With men things are Impossible But With GOD All things are Possible, even The Wrapping of My SOUL!
New American Standard Bible
Then a cloud formed, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud: “This is My beloved Son; listen to Him!”
Listen, Can you Heared His Voice, Echoing out of the Chambers Of Life, Have he called your name! Can you Hear Him!